ᴘʀᴏʟᴏɢᴜᴇ #2

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Ever since I was a child, I've always been told about the story of the Red String Of Fate. I never believed it tho, I thought it was a myth, well that was until I met him.

The reason I never believed it was simply because I never saw it, I thought it was a made-up story like Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny. The day I walked into U.A. High it was a normal day, I was happy that I got accepted considering I joined late. After a few weeks, Me and him, already hated each-other's guts. I never knew the reason why he always picked a fight with me, saying he was gonna be number 1 and beat me. The day we got attacked in USJ by the group of villains looking to kill All Might, He was the one to carry me and stay with me at the Hospital. He always confused me, The day I woke up he was right next to me, His head resting onto his arms, which were resting next to my numb body.

The first thing I noticed was his pale-looking face, the dark bags underneath his eyes, his messy blond spiky hair, and how peaceful he looked. My hand intertwined with his soft blond hair, continuously running my fingers through it. I was to spaced out to see the red-like string attached to my pinky, leading down towards his own. I noticed him groaning, his eyelids slightly opening. I pulled my hand away from his hair, Realizing what I was just doing. Heat filled my cheeks as I stared at his well-built figure resting against the hospital bed.

His eyes filling opening as he looked at me with disbelief, springing up from his position. I flinched, startled at the sudden action. Rage filling his eyes, not long followed by tears. I looked at him, Confusion filling my expression. I sat up, looking at him with worry. "What's wrong..?" I asked, My voice cracking slightly from the lack of water. His expression went soft once again, leaning down as his body hovered over me, His arms wrapping around me. "You just scared me, That's all...You've been out for almost a month now..We thought we lost you.."

My mouth hung open, my body acting on its own as my own hands wrapped around his form. I closed my eyes, leaning against his chest. "I'm sorry Katsuki..I didn't mean to overwork myself that much.." I pulled away, looking into his eyes. My hands cupping his cheeks as I smiled slightly, "But hey, I'm okay. So after this how about we battle off like you said you wanted-" I was cut off by his lips being placed onto mine, My body froze in place as I stared at him in disbelief. "You idiot..."

To be continued...


Words: 488
Posted: 4th August 2k18
Edited: N/A

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