Hail Hydra (Steve Rogers) part 4

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^ I'll have these things next to something's that I can't explain during the story
⚠️Warnings; Swearing, Hydra Steve, Betrayal, Sad Feels, Jealousy perhaps?Mentions of SMUT?⚠️
Your powers are Wanda's except your colour is blue mixed with Super Soldier stuff because you have the serum

*time skip a day*
Your shower with Bucky was fantastic it was a very steamy shower and then a steamy bedroom afterwards. Steve hadn't talked to you since yesterday which was fucking awesome you didn't know if you could handle being around his stupid Hydra, dad shooting head. Also last time you spoke he was being a fucking dick on a positive note you knew who everyone was partnered with.
Natasha and Bruce
Wanda and Vis
Clint and Pietro
Tony and Peter
Sam and Thor
and obviously you and Bucky
Today started out a great day laying in bed with Bucky you two are dating now, Steve off somewhere not annoying you with his dicky attitude and the rest team either with their partners or with other duos. Since today felt like a good day you and Bucky had decided to go make pancakes that meant passing Steve's room. As the both of you inches closer and closer you heard him talking on the phone you pulled out a mini undetectable flying camera and set it to record slipping it under Steve's door but also eavesdropping. That's when you heard the sentence to make your guy drop Steve telling the people he was on the phone to to attack the main lounge room os Stark tower at exactly nine pm no earlier and no later. He ended the call you called your mini cam out also know as Betty and snuck off quietly with Bucky towards Natasha's room. You did your secret knock on the door she opened it and let you both in.
"Nat we need to go to The Zoo now and be back here before nine pm tonight?"
"Watch this" You sent Betty's latest video through to her phone with your secret encryption
After she watched the whole thing and you heard the other side of the conversation she sent the video along with an encrypted coded message to the team, Fury, Maria and Coulson.
She shot you both a text because she didn't want to speak out loud in case he was lurking like always 'got a plan?'
'I've got part of a plan'
'Hit me with y/n/n'
'You kill more zombies with less bullets when they are crowded together, right?'
'Yeah that's how I always win COD'
'If we are all in the lounge room we are basically a bunch of group together zombies'
'I think we should all say we'll be there make it look like we all are even though we aren't and take them down before they can take us'
'Everyone better be fully suited up and ready to go by tonight then.'

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