Chapter 2

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I am walking home, I bought a new game on the way. It was a game called Shadow of Mordor, I heard it was good so I thought why not give it a shot.

???: E-Excuse?

(Y/N): Hmm?

I turn around and see a girl probably a year younger, she had black hair and violet eyes and was wearing a school uniform. It wasn't one I recognized but that doesn't matter. Another thing I noticed is that she was a fallen angle. I learned some magic over the years and how to sense energy. Being with different factions often allows me to tell what's what. Speaking of which I sense Koneko near by.

(Y/N): You need something?

???: Your name's (Y/N) right?

(Y/N): Yeah.

Yuuma: My name is Yuuma Amano, a-and I wanted to ask i-if you would be my boyfriend.


Yuuma: B-but why?

(Y/N): Well for one I already have a girlfriend.

(Y/N) thought: Girlfriends.

(Y/N): Two, I just met you not even 5 minutes ago.

Yuuma: B-but-

(Y/N): Sorry it's just not gonna happen, we could be friends though. But I got to go, see ya.

While I was walking away I felt a lot of killer intent directed at me.

Time skip

I'm now in front of my house, but before I go in.

(Y/N): Koneko, I know you're there.

Koneko walked out from behind a bush and walked towards me. When she got to me she hugged me and I hugged back.

(Y/N): It's good to see you again Koneko.

She smiles and nods. We walk inside and see Kuroka, and Rossweisse sitting on the couch watching TV. Before I can say anything about pink blur tackled me to the ground. This pink blur was Serafall Leviathan.

Serafall: It's so good to see you!

(Y/N): It's good to see you too. So I'm assuming you got all your paperwork done, or did you skip it again?

Serafall: Ummm~

(Y/N): *Sigh* You can't keep doing that

Serafall: But it's so boring, and it keeps me from seeing you. But~

(Y/N): Remember our agreement, I won't join you Peerage till I turn 20 or I die.

Serafall pouted when I said that. She's been asking me to join her peerage for a while now.

Kuroka: Are you just going to ignore us nya~?

The 4 Mous all knew about Kuroka and the true story. They got rid of her criminal and stray status as long as she says with me.

Serafall got off of me and I walked over to  Kuroka and Rossweisse and hugged both of them. I apologise and to them and they accepted it but then Kuroka said I now owe her 10 kids.

Koneko said she had to go to the ORC, but she would come back soon.

Time skip Rias POV

Koneko has just come back from watching (Y/N).

Rias: So what did you find.

Koneko: Nothing important, he was approached by the same fallen angle that killed the pervert.

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