Chapter 2:Dishonor To The Dark side

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Kylo Rens pov-I bowed my head towards the Supreme leader of the dark side when he spoke"ah master Ren my young apprentice have you come up with a plan to locate the droid that has the location of Skywalker ?"he asked,"yes my lord the plan is to land on the planet Jakku where plasma and the whole first order regime will land along with me we have word that one of the best resistance fighter pilots is on there meeting with an older man , I was thinking the troops will kill everyone in the village and upon doing so I can get the droid aboard Starkiller base where I will demand it give me the map to Skywalker I shall also bring the pilot along as a prisoner for harboring the droid but I do intend to get the location to Skywalker on the mission sir no mistakes" I said looking Snoke dead in the eye.The heavy dark emotions began to intensify inside me I was determine to get my hands on the map no matter who I have to kill or what terror I cause the planet I want my revenge I want smoke to see I have what It takes to be leader some day I wanna prove to the whole entire galaxy! I'm good or even better than my grandfather Darth Vader ever was.
"hm I suppose that simple plan shall work tell General Hux to direct the ship to the planet Jakku and also have him and captain Phasma prepare their troops to be even better on this mission , Ren you will personally search for the droid and or this resistance pilot also anyone who knew about the droid and what it contains I want you to also take aboard s prisoner for an intense interrogation . I don't want any mistakes on this mission you shall not let this map get away from you again because if you mess up this time I will personally punish you get the map and the prisoners and show that village the power of the dark side do not hold back do I make myself clear master Ren?"Snoke yelled at me, "yes sir I will don't let you down supreme leader"I said once again bowing before him.Snokes hologram then disappeared and I placed my helmet back on and started towards the exit , once the doors opened I went in search for Hux to tell him the orders spoke asked of him "general supreme leader Snoke approved of my plan you are to direct the ship to planet Jakku we will take any one who knows about the droid and the information it contains aboard as prisoner , also you and Phasma are to train the troops even harder so they are sharp and alert and help us make this mission a success don't mess this up general or there will be crucial consequences do I make myself clear?"I said with pure venom in my voice "yes Ren just don't mess this mission up because if you do you will be what I've always thought of you a disappointment to not only the dark side but also to your grandfather and another thing don't tell me what to do with my troops I am their general I will decided if they are ready or not!" with that he walked away but on the inside I was fuming, my blood boiling, my fists were clenched I pulled my lightsaber out and screamed as I slashed through a control panel how day he say I was a dishonor to my grandfather how dare he disrespect my orders to him how dare he who was he just some smart mouth general who sucked up to Snoke he always made me look like a foolish child every chance he got , what made huh so special to the dark side he was not force sensitive I should just kill him he can be replaced in an instant but no matter how much I wanted to I couldn't yet I had to stay focus on my mission to prove everyone on star killer base I was a success and not a force to be reckoned with.I walked to my private quarters and took off my helmet and clothes and just stayed in my pants I placed my saber on the black night stand beside my bed and I crawled in my black silk covers and began to plan my attack and just go over every step in my head and I eventually fell asleep ready for tomorrows mission.

I was woken up bright and early by general Hux banging on my door yelling for me to get ready so we can go over my plan to get the map.I didn't wanna get out of warm bed it was the one place where i could be alone with my thoughts & emotions, its a place where i don't have to pretend to be someone I'm not i can let all my demons out with out anyone knowing that some nights on the snowy , dark, cold & lonely planet that starkiller is on i stay up all night with my head pounding with dark thoughts of depression and i cry myself to sleep wishing for a release.Something or someone to set me free from all my pain and inner demons.But then i remember my grandfather and what he started that i had to finish i remember all my wrong doings that brought me to where i am today even though i blame my horrible excuse of a father for me turning to the dark side i know deep down no one made me turn i was my own downfall i am my own worse enemy and i gotta swallow all my tears , emotions and stay focus on my mission and my ultimate goal on becoming the greatest Sith there ever will be i wanna control the whole galaxy i can let being weak ruin that for me.Grabbing my helmet and robes for the day i walked into my bathroom i took a quick shower,brushed my teeth,combed my hair and washed my face the cold water felt amazing it woke me up a little i looked in the mirror  placing my helmet on and i was ready to meet with hux.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 16, 2018 ⏰

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