Blackstar x Tsubaki

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Blackstar and Tsubaki were headed out to fight a human that became a kishin egg. The entire way, Blackstar was boasting about how he will surpass God and that nothing can beat him.

"Blackstar wait," Tsubaki said outside the village that reported the attacks. "Do you even have a plan?"

"Of course! I'm gonna run in and show that guy how big a star I am." He yelled pumping his fist in the air.

"Of course, Blackstar." She said joining him on the ground. They wandered through the village observing the number of houses that had the windows boarded up.

"The report came in recently... you'd think there would be people around." He said looking around cautiously.

"They probably got too scared to handle staying," Tsubaki mentioned noticing Blackstar's cautious behavior.

"Are you two fools here about me?" A man asked from behind them. Blackstar whipped around getting into a fighting stance.

"Tsubaki!" He yelled. "Right!" She said transforming into her kusarigama. Blackstar caught her and prepared to attack his opponent. The man before them started to change forms. His jaw extended, and wolf ears appeared in place of his human ones. His nails grew longer and sharper, into claws. When he was finished, he charged towards Blackstar extending his claws for an attack. He swung at Blackstar's chest, who used Tsubaki to block. As soon as the man's claws came into contact with the chain, electricity sparked causing Tsubaki to scream.

"Tsubaki!" Blackstar yelled worried about his weapon partner.

"I'm fine! Keep fighting!" She yelled containing her screams as electricity continued to shoot into her soul. Blackstar jumped back away from the man.

"What kind of attack was that?" He growled.

"That was a slightly different version of a wavelength attack. You see, I am the Red Wolf and that is my signature attack. To think a meister from the legendary DWMA didn't know that." He sneered, running in for another attack.

'I can't use Tsubaki to block. It'll hurt her again. But I don't have any openings to attack. What do I do?' the blue haired meister thought as Red Wolf ran at him, quickly closing the distance between them.

"Quick Blackstar! Do something!" Tsubaki yelled at him. He snapped out of his thoughts and quickly dodged the claws. Due to missing his target, Red Wolf stumbled forward giving Blackstar an opening to attack. "Tsubaki. Ninja sword mode." He said quietly. She transformed, and he quickly stabbed Red Wolf in the side. "Silly meister," he said as electricity shot through Tsubaki once again. Tsubaki did everything she could to hold in her scream. She knew that if she did, Blackstar would stop attacking, putting them at another disadvantage. "Keep attacking. He's wide open." She yelled as Blackstar twisted the knife and ripped it out of the man. He quickly swung at Red Wolf, cutting the man deep in the side. As the blade traveled through the man's side, electricity shot into Tsubaki. Blackstar could feel her soul trembling in pain and jumped backward.

"Why'd you tell me to keep attacking. You're clearly hurting." He said angrily. "We had an opening. I wasn't sure when we'd get another one, I wanted you to take the opportunity."

"But your hurt."

"I'll be fine. Just focus on the task at hand. Beating this guy."

"I can't. You'll get hurt more." He said showing his caring side. Tsubaki had only seen this side once before. After she beat Masamune, her own brother.

"That doesn't matter. You need to surpass God, don't you?" She yelled back.

"Would you two quit bickering and fight me?" Red Wolf became tired of the bickering children and ran towards them. He extended his claws, preparing another attack. "Blackstar!" Tsubaki yelled.

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