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Edge of Dreams

The handcuffs on my wrists make the situation more real than I would have thought. The cool metal shifts uncomfortably on my wrists as I walk with the two officers by my side. Each of them grasping the tops of my arms; they said it was to keep me steady. I know they really meant to keep me from running. Not that I can.

If I ran up the beach, I wouldn't make it very far before they shot me dead. The sea isn't even a possibility- it's my enemy, it always has been, and I've never questioned why. Even the thought of being in those dangerous waters makes goose bumps rise on my skin.

As the ocean breeze brushes across my face, there's a sense of foreboding. Although I'm sure that it came too late considering how they have already caught me. They continue to drag me towards their car, which causes the panic in me to rise. I struggle in their arms but I know it's useless. They're much stronger than me- it's evident from the tight grip they have on me.

I scowl as one of them laughs. I don't like them, especially him. He was the one who pulled out his gun and threatened to shoot me. The other one stayed silent, he didn't express any frustration or anger towards me. He just remained indifferent, which makes him seem more dangerous in my eyes.

The violent officer opens the black Humvee car door and shoves my head down to push me in. I crash onto the back seat and they slam the door shut. Without a moment's hesitation, I reach out for the opposite door and try to open it.


I huff and fall back when I realise it's on child lock. A lock built for children is the one thing that's keeping me from getting out. With my back on the leather seat, I lift my legs and kick at the window. It does nothing but make my heels sore. I go for another kick when suddenly a gunshot sound rings in the air. I bolt up.

The next thing I know, I'm thrown back onto the seat as the other officer jumps in the car, into acceleration and speeds away. My eyes widen at the man's behaviour. I turn around to look at the figure of the other officer lying on the floor in the distance. Unmoving.

"I- You- He- What just happened?!" I demand with confusion lacing into my voice.

"It's okay Avery. Your father is my friend. Don't worry," He glances at me in the rear view mirror, begging me to listen to him. "We'll get you to somewhere safe."

I stare at him with a hardened gaze. I won't trust him, even if he says he knows my father. "Nowhere is safe." I say in reply to him.

"Some place safer than here then." He amends.

"Who exactly are you? If you know my father, where is he? Why isn't he here?"

"You can call me James." I blink at the familiarity of the name. My father has mentioned it quite a few times to me before. Still, I won't trust him until my father is right in front of me and telling me I can. "I have a son just like you."

It explained why he would be open to helping my father, if he had a child like me. My grey eyes flashed back at me in the rear view mirror reminding me of what I am.

"Then where is he?" I say with a raised eyebrow. The car skids to a stop and I fall forward barely catching myself. I probably should have thought of putting on my seat belt when the car was moving really. "What's going on?"

"Now this is going to be the hard part Avery." He says like he will regret the next thing he does.

"What do you-" I notice the gun his has gripped in his hand raising towards me. I freeze. "Why would you go through all the trouble to save me, just to kill me?" I breathe out, not taking my eyes off the weapon.

"I'm just following orders Avery. This is the only way." James says.

"O-orders from whom?" I stutter out.

"Your father."

I instantly turn to face James. "My what?!" I exclaim in shock. He would never do that to me. Even if his life depended on it. The man is lying, I'm sure of it.

James just stares at me. My eyes go back and forth from his blue eyes to his gun. "I'm sorry." And I can see from his eyes that he is.

My eyes water at the thought that I may never see my family again. That these moments would be my last. "Do you even have a son like me?" I croak out trying to stop the tears from falling.

"Yes. Make sure he's okay for me please?" He asks with genuine concern in his voice.

"What?" Then he pulls the trigger, and I feel a sharp pain in my shoulder. I open my eyes and tilt my head to see a needle type thing sticking out of my shoulder. I blink when I feel no other pain. "I-" Then I fall into darkness.

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