how you meet

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richie: you were new and beat his score on an arcade game so he decided to camp out at the game to see who beat him when you try to play the game.
"i'm waiting for someone named y/n"
"yeah that's me"
"what?! you are the one who beat my high score?!"
"yeah, i guess."
"what the fuck you're hot."

mike: he was riding his bike when he saw you walking and he crashed, you quickly ran over to him to help.
"oh my god! are you okay?"
"y-yeah, i'm fine."
"are you sure?"

bill: georgie & your younger sibling were friends so your family went over to give his family a casserole when georgie disappeared.
"t-thank you."
"of course, i'm so sorry, i'm sure you'll find him."
"i-i hope s-so."

bev: you were new and getting bullied by greta keene and you were hiding in the restroom, she came in saw someone was in her stall, she hit the door.
"leave me alone, please, greta!"
"uh, it's not greta."
"oh, who is it?"

stan: you'd been in the same class since kindergarten, he has had a massive crush on you since day one.
"you really have a crush on me?"

ben: you were at the library studying, he had a book you needed.
"hey, are you finished with that."
"that book, can i read it?"
"oh, yeah!"

eddie: you were at the pharmacy picking up a prescription, so was he, you didn't have enough money so he lent you some.
" shit i don't have enough."
"thank you."

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