Laupahoehoe Point

Start from the beginning

Anxious to start on their helmet projects, the girls ate as fast as they could when they got back to Brittany's place and then went outside to start spray painting.

Brittany layed out some news paper on the drive way so that they wouldn't spray the concrete.

"What did you have in mind for Rachel's helmet?"

"I was thinking of spraying one half green and one half yellow. With her number on each side. What about you?" Brittany held the helmet in her hands.

"I'm gonna go with a big green stripe right down the middle with a smaller yellow one right in the middle of that one. With this volcom sticker on the back. And her jersey number on each side like you said."

The spray painting took them about two hours. And when they were finished, they brought the helmets into the garage to admire their hard work under the light. The sun was just disappearing behind the horizon. They brought all their things inside and left the helmets outside to dry.

Brittany had left her phone in her room so when she got cleaned up and checked to see if Santana texted.

Hey babe. Rach and I just got back from Hilo. Hope you guys got us something good, I know you'll like your present ;)

That text was sent about a hour ago.

Hey I'm sorry I took a while to reply. We just finished a project for you and Rach's Christmas present. I hope you're gonna like it. I'll see you tomorrow. XO.

"Are you excited?" Quinn and Brittany were laying in bed now, talking as the tv played a re-run of a How I Met Your Mother episode. "I don't know what to expect tomorrow. I mean, what do you think they got us?"

"I'm not sure." Brittany did wonder a couple times that day what Santana had in store for her. What she had in mind and what Santana had for her was completely different.


Brittany woke up the next morning filled with excitement. It was her first Christmas in Hawai'i. She turned to see her best friend sleeping on her stomach, snoring slightly. When she first moved to Hawai'i, she didn't expect to see Quinn for at least a year. That was what she prepared herself for. She knew that flights from Hawai'i to Oklahoma didn't come cheap so she didn't get her hopes up. But when Quinn called one day and told her that she would be coming down for winter break, she was ecstatic.

Quinn woke up and looked over at Brittany. "Merry Christmas, B."

"Merry Christmas." They smiled at each other. After freshening up and changing out of their sleeping clothes, the girls walked down to see the Christmas tree overflowing with presents.

"Good morning, girls. Merry Christmas." Brittany's parents already had breakfast made and the house smelled of fresh pine needles. Something that Brittany loved about Christmas time. "Eat up, before the food gets cold."

They all sat around the counter talking and enjoying their food. "Santana and Rachel will be here in a little while. They have made reservations for us down at the Hilton for the Christmas buffet. They obviously have plans for you two." Brittany's mom was excited. You could see it in her eyes. The buffet also explained why her parents had made them food and none for themselves. "I know that you two will love it."

"She told you what she has planned didn't she?" She looked over at her mom, who had a huge grin on her face. "Can I at least have a hint?"

"Sorry, honey. We promised the girls that we wouldn't reveal anything they told us." Her dad had a similar smile on. "You'll just have to wait and see."

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