Chapter 2: Application.

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Chapter 2: Application

Disclaimer: I do not own My Hero Academia or any pictures/videos posted.

Heather P.O.V:

3 Years Later.

I glared at everyone around me as I made my way to my locker. Everyone kept glancing my way in what was possibly the most none-subtle way possible. I could feel their judgmental eyes watching me. The whispers weren't any better either.

"Did you hear what she did?-"

"-Didn't he go to hospital-"

"-Almost snapped his neck-"

"-But she's Quirkless-"

"-Bleeding from his head-"

"-Got amnesia-"

I bite down a scoff as people recall the fight I got into yesterday, not bothering to correct some of the statements and claims. The guy had been asking for it. Literally. He had stomped up to me after school and started yelling and ranting about my application to U.A. He claimed that I was probably going to cheat my way in. When I told him I planned to do no such thing, he had put up his fists and told me to prove it.

I didn't straight away. Not seeing a reason to prove myself to some jackass. But then when I tried to turn away he tried to punch me. While I had my back turned. So excuse me if I had sought to beat his ass for pulling a stunt like that.

I didn't put him in a hospital though, like some people seem to think, and I certainly didn't give him amnesia or almost snap his neck. I may have caused a small injury to his head, but these gossipers are making it seem like I split his head clean open.

As I grabbed my books from my locker, the voice of the headmaster sounded through the speakers.

"Would Shiori Heather please come to the Headmaster's office? That's Shiori Heather to the Headmaster's office."

I groaned and slammed my locker shut, causing some near by students to jump.

I made my way through the crowd of students, who parted for me as if I was a contagious disease, and ignored the stares and whispers following me all the way to the office.


"What seems to be the problem sir?" I ask as sarcastically as I could while plopping down onto the seat in front of the headmaster.

The headmaster frowned at my blatant disrespectful tone but pointedly ignored it. "Miss. Shiori, it was recently brought to my attention that you got into a fight yesterday with Mr. Mitsuki-"

"That I did."

"Mr. Mitsuki has a clean record when it comes to school fights or detentions. You on the other hand seem to have an on going streak of them-"

"Your point is?"

The headmaster scowled at my interruption but continued through gritted teeth. "I'm saying that I'm a little sceptical over how the fight started and who needs to get the blame." He folded his hands infringement of him, as if it somehow made himself more menacing. "From what I heard it was you who engaged first and caused the most injuries."

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