The First Meet

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Kizika was running wildly through the forest. She was being chased by an enormous tiger when she was in her training.

"ugh, what a bad omen to start my day.." she sighed as she ran. She jumped on a tree and tried to hide. Luckily her shinobi skills were good enough to blend in. the tiger sniffed around and walk away with such hard disappointment.

Kizika was relieved. She slowly crept out and went down from the 60 meter high tree. She landed just nice to...

...realize that she was lost.

"crap! Now what!?"

She tried to track down her last trail but failed and things got worse when the rain started to pour, with storms shaking the earth.

She quickly ran again. She had bad memories about storms which burned her house years ago, killing all of her siblings. She was the eldest and the most abandoned daughter in her family. She could felt something streamed down her eyes but she quickly swiped it away.


A storm strike to a tree and making the tree fell right onto Kizika. Kizika could only stare the tree falling down onto her and everything went pitch black right after that.



"eh? She woke up!"

"Is she okay?"

A blue dressed woman stared the girl. Kizika's head spun like a top. She sat up, and realized two persons standing in front of her. One was a guy with a shark like teeth and a blue dress woman. She shrieked out for a while, but the lady slowly calm her down.

"I am Mei Terumi. This is Chojuro, my helper. Come, are you okay? Can you stand?" the lady asked with a soft smile.

Kizika tried to stand, but her left leg started to wobble. Suddenly she fell again, onto a hand of Chojuro.

"whoa, careful! I think you hurt your leg... let's go to the nearest clinic. You are from kirikagure right?"

Kizika gasped as the guy suddenly lifted her up. She could feel rosy color splattering her cheeks. But yeah, she couldn't walk, and shouldn't try to walk.

They walked through the forest and arrived at a village. The village seems very quiet and creepy and quite familiar. Kizika saw a 'keep out' sign and lots of warning. She read the village sign at the big entrance.


Oh shoot.

Kizika had just entered a very dangerous village.

"let me down." Kizika whispered.

Mei looked down to Kizika, "why? Are you scared ?"

"No.. I mean... why we come here? It was a bloody village, full of death.." Kizika replied with a soft voice.

Chojuro smiled, "those were stories. We were one of the villagers live here. You shouldn't be scared," he said while continue his walk. Mei followed.

Kizika gulped. She lived faraway from here. She lived in peace and being warned many, many times for not entering this creepy village. They said the chief was brutal and a killing machine. Kizika started to think maybe after this she will be turned into a human-home-baked meat and being eaten by cannibals!

She prayed for that thing being pushed away.

They arrived at a small hut and a healing shinobi was there, smiling. Kizika couldn't help but smile back. The woman was polite and nice. Maybe the rumors were only fairytale?

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2018 ⏰

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