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There she was.

Dancing like no other.

In her sexy silver dress that rested on her thighs.

"Man, who is she?" Julian gasped
"I don't know but I bet I could get her in bed with me tonight" I said
"Dude I bet you couldn't even get her to talk to you" Julian laughed
"Oh yeah? Watch me"

I made my way to the dance floor and grabbed her by the waist and she grinded her hips on me as she continued to dance her heart out.
I turned her around and she just looked me in my eyes and disappeared into the fog.


I made my way back to Julian who's jaw was almost touching the ground.

"Hey close up, you might catch flies" I laughed

"Shut up" he said through gritted teeth

Suddenly the club started to feel really stuffy and I decided I needed some fresh air

"Hey Jules I'll be right back I need to get some fresh air" I said
"Ok bro, be safe" he said
"Yeah, sure"

As I went through the door I couldn't help but notice someone being... Assaulted?
I went closer to get a better look and I saw it was the girl from earlier and she was crying

Don't just stand there Sean, DO SOMETHING!!

"Hey! Leave her alone" I said
Both of their heads snapped towards me
The guy who was assaulting her spoke up and said "And, if I don't"
"Then you won't like what's coming for you then" I said as my hands balled into fists.
He just smirked in return and I threw a punch at him and he fell to the floor, i pounced on him and punched him till he was almost unconscious.
I stood up and turned my attention to the girl leaning against the wall, the lamppost shining.
Now that I see her in the light I realized.

She is the most beautiful thing I have ever laid my eyes on.
From her shiny wavy dark brown hair to her soft full lips, her deep brown eyes that could kill by just looking at them, her smooth skin that I was just dying to touch. And hercurves in all the right places.

Just Beautiful.

I then snapped out of thought and walked up to her.
I noticed she was crying
"Hey, hey it's ok I'm here" I said and she looked up and gave a small smile.
I smiled back and said "it's getting pretty late, how about I take you to my place and tomorrow I can drop you off at home?"
She just stared at me before she nodded and I took her to my car.

The car was too silent and this was killing me so I decided to speak up
"So what's your name ,cutie?" I asked but didn't get a response.
As I turned to look at her she was fast asleep and I just smiled to myself.

She's beautiful.

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