Chapter nine: Feelings in turmoil

Start from the beginning

"I said I wouldn't buy them anymore!" I grumbled out of frustration.


"So, why are you buying them?!"

"Because I want to?"

"I don't want them anymore so don't frigging buy them!" I whined like a child and even stomped my feet.

"Sydney, I'm buying, not you. So don't fuss about it," said Cole, sounding a bit irritated. He handed his credit card to the cashier, who had watched our arguments with awe.

"You—I pointed my finger at Ruth—if I still see you here next time, I'll ruin you," I said calmly but my eyes were smoldering. I hastily walked out of the shop before they could all react. I was ten meters away from the shop when Cole caught up with me with the shopping bags on both of his hands.

"Sydney! Hey, wait!" Cole called out, but I continued on walking fast. I unwillingly stopped when Cole halted in front of me, blocking my way. I just stared blankly at him. "What's your damn problem?" He looked calm, but I could see that he was becoming impatient.

"You," I said in a matter-of-fact tone and moved past him again, but he grabbed my arm. "Aw! Let go, jerk!" I wriggled my arm free from his grasp, but he tightened it.

"I know you're fucking mean, but you just can't go around and bully everyone you meet just because you can and just because they can't defend themselves from a rich and spoiled rotten brat like you." My hand reflexively went up to slap him and honestly I wanted to slap my face as well because my eyes were starting to water. I unknowingly got hurt from what he said, and from his tone of voice. He was mad at me and I didn't like it. I didn't know what was wrong with me, but since I met Cole, I became such a crybaby and overly sensitive. I shook my head to clear my mind and before Cole could waken from his temporary shock from my slap, I pushed him off me and when his grip loosened up, I took that opportunity to run away. I was just glad I wasn't wearing my usual high heeled shoes or I might have broken my leg from running so fast. After running for roughly six minutes, I stopped at Grand Army Plaza, panting from running nonstop and teary eyed. I harshly wiped the tears that was threatening to fall and continued on walking at a slower pace then I saw a hidden bench across the street near a vendor store and decided to rest for a bit. There was no one there and since it was getting dark, Cole would surely not see me. It appeared to be a perfect spot for hiding, so I sat comfortably while wiping the mixture of tears and sweat on my face with my hanky. I was surprised when someone suddenly sat next to me after a minute past. I automatically raised my head to check who it was but the stranger pressed his big hand over my eyes so I wouldn't see him and his other hand gripped my neck in a threatening manner. I gasped in fear, but I didn't move.

"Don't scream or I'll break your neck." A strikingly familiar, yet cold voice spoke quietly in my ear, making me shiver. Cole?! My head screamed his name, but somehow I was terrified of him. No doubt it was Cole. I recognized his voice even without looking at his face. However, his voice was icy cold and deadly dangerous like he meant what he said, so I nodded my head. "Good girl," he whispered and patted my hair. I got goosebumps all over with that simple gesture, but I remained quiet while thinking of how to escape. The bench I was sitting on was a bit secluded and even though I knew there were people from afar, before I could scream and ask for help, my neck might be broken by then. Is Cole that angry? He sounded very different... Lucy said he's a dangerous guy who is violent and got kicked out of school because of that and he is a drug addict as well... I guess it's true and now his true color is showing up because I made him mad. I shivered at the very thought. "Listen, I want you to kno—" I swiftly moved away from him when he got distracted by a car's honking sound and ran off like crazy without even glancing at him. I almost got hit by a cab when I crossed the street toward the 5th Avenue. Thanked God the cab halted before it could run over me. The cab driver yelled at me when I got in, for almost getting myself killed, but looked worried when he saw my pale face.

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⏰ Last updated: May 14, 2016 ⏰

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