CHAPTER 2 -We Talked About-

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hi i am here again... hope that you liked this...

i am a novice in writing so forgive me for some mistakes...

i was really inspired by uekixmori and sanoxrinko stories...

i'll give more attention to sanoxrinko...

i assigned Robert Hyden in the love triangle.. to produce new taste in romance... hope you know what i mean...

Now, Let's start for a new Chapter

CHAPTER 2 ("We Talked About")

Ueki and Ai have fun talking to each other...

They laugh, and Ueki recieve a special punch and slaps from Mori...

They both smile and said their goodbye's before the walk the opposite ways...

As Ueki smiled he was reminded about this...


before team Ueki go back to the Earth and leave celestial World...

Inumaru talk to him...

"Ueki you are a Celestial... I know your home is Earth... But have a bad feeling that sometime i will contact you... because of some affairs here in celestial world... specially you are the strongest of the power users... i may need your help... there are some trouble that will come after you and your friends... Your celestial powers and trash into trees powers will still remain in you... Of course your friends as well but it will be sealed for the meantime... and the powers will awaken if there is danger..." the troubled man said to him

"i guess i should be careful and contact my friends always... Thank you for your concern, king" said by Ueki

"i am embarrassed by calling me a king but thank you *blushes*... you , Sano and others are the one's who make me in this position. Anyways, You should always be careful Ueki*serious face*... i will do my best so that the infernals may not comeback again..." said by Inumaru

end of flashback

In his mind,

i really hope this will last forever

but what Inumaru said bothers me

so battles is not gone huh?

Ai and others (ueki has just stated Ai Mori in her first name)

i must protect them...

then he open the door to his home... and said " I'm home"

In Ai Mori's house...

She already ate her dinner and readying herself to sleep...

she feel fidgety and cannot sleep into her bed normally...

she tried to read but nothing happened...

she drink milk so that she can sleep...

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