CHAPTER 1 -Normal Junior High Life-

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hi... I am new in creating fanfic about my favorite anime...

hoping that the reader will enjoy this story...

DISCLAIMER: I do not own Law of Ueki... and use the characters

and story in Law of Ueki anime... as reference to this new story...

it takes place after Ueki beat Hanon and he get the talent of blank...

CHAPTER 1 ("Normal Junior High Life")

Ueki has beaten Hanon and won the Talent of Blank...

A girl with a blue-colored hair with a eyeglasses tucked in her hair reminisce all the things happened the last 6 months... while she was not listening to her teacher Mr. K...

I am Ai Mori... I am not the main character and a supporting character but the main character is Kosuke Ueki...

He has a Green spiky Hair... we are claasmates in junior high...

at first i thought he was an alien who will envade the earth...

but... no its not... he was a candidate for a battle about selecting a new king in celestial world...

he has a strong sense of righteousness and has a habit of risking his life for his friends...

sometimes i saw him as an idiot for such an ideology...

but that character of his makes me want to protect him too and share the burden... it became also my strength as times go by...

he has a power to change trash into trees... the power is not that strong but he is the winner of the battles ang became the strongest... those summer days where really exciting and its like i want to do it once again...

but now, the battles are over and everything is peaceful...

yes no more power users to battle ueki... and we came back to school...

" Ms. Mori... Ms. Mori... How much long are you gonna make daydreams in class hours? " said by the teacher who is the mentor of ueki... and likes to test Ueki's righteousness... He is Mr. Kobayashi...

" Mori, Mr. K is calling you" said by her seatmate Kosuke Ueki... which have just woke up by Mr. K. as he is calling Mori

"Oh... i'm so sorry Mr. K... next time i'll listen... hahaha..." Mori is laughing nervously

"next time Ms. Mori do not make it so obvious that your mind is flying away and not listening to me... and You Mr. Ueki don't sleep in my class... Kids this days..." said by the saddened teacher...

and the class dismissed...

"Hey, Mori... can we walk home together? " said by Ueki

"ahhh... ok wait i am gonna pack my things up... wait for me at the doorway... " Ai said to ueki

in Ai Mori's mind

" he just asked me to walk together no big deal...but why is my heart beats so fast...we always had done this...maybe i am just tired in class...but my friend A(to tired to make a name just bear with it)

told me they knew that me and Ueki where more than we have a thing for each am i to think such thing ueki was like never notices my beauty and he always call me a friend...but maybe he...maybe i was just overthinking..." as she blushes a schoolmate called her

"Hey Ai! How are you doing? Want to have a date with me???

I like you Ai" a boy with blonde hair suddenly shouted at her. his voice was to loud like the whole school heard it.

"Shhhhh... what are you saying? many girls might be angry at me because of what you are saying... Robert stop... ok... i said no because we are friends..." Mori said to Robert Hyden... Robert likes Ai... Ai do not know why... But she said no to him... but he still insist...

"Robert! you where just next room right... i forgot... hahaha... Mori... what are you taking so long? let's go now or we might not be able to go home before 6 pm..." said by ueki who is quite irritated by the lateness of Mori.

"I know we can walk together... Me, lovely Ai and Ueki... we can talk about many things while we walk... and after Ueki goes home... Me and Ai will have some time together..." as Robert said to the two...

"what?" the Ueki and Mori said it at the same time...

"why? do you hate each other?" said by Robert...

" no.. its not like that..." again they said it the same time...

as Mori blushed and ueki looks away from them...

"Then let's go..." as they walk side by side... Ueki, Ai and Robert go home together and tell stories about what happen in school and the first one to go another way is... Robert

Robert said goodbye and the two walk together...

"so were just the two of us... hahaha... let's talk about something important" as Ueki said it to Mori and combs his hair nervously...

Ai nodded bashfully and they stopped at the near park to talk...

MEANWHILE... in another World

"*sigh*... things are peaceful now but there are still some or should i say evil doers... wants to do a more evil plans " As the new king of the Celestial World Inumaru sighed...

Inumaru became the New Celestial King and everything on Earth , Celestial World and Underworld Became Peaceful... Temporarily...

A Celestial Came down again to the underworld to seek help to the infernals not for peace but for suggesting a war...

celestials vs. infernals... This man is jealous to the new King... he wear a black robe covering himself and talking to an infernal who is a tall man with a red hair who is the leader of the Guardians.

A new battle has set to begin in the Underworld and Earth...

the hands of time is already ticking for the unforseen future...

and a shallow hope is slightly decreasing its life to our brave characters...



if i can

hahaha i have made love triangle but dont worry i still have a surprise...

sorry if some of my english is not so good... specially in grammar...

hope you understand and enjoy reading...

your reviews will be very appreciated...

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