"Freak." His horrible words were like a knife into my chest because I knew what he said was true. Why else do I get bullied relentlessly at school and have only one friend? Because he was right. I was a freak.

Blake doesn't look back once as he storms off down the pavement in front of me. Tears welled in my eyes and I had no ability to prevent one from falling down my cheeks. Soon multiple were dripping down my face with no ability to prevent them. Angrily I yanked my sleeve up and wipe at my eyes and take a deep calming breath. I wasn't going to break down just because some guy doesn't like me. I wasn't going to put my happiness in the hands of some jerk who doesn't even deserve my friendship. Placing a steel barrier around my heart I decide that I was going to ignore Blake's existence until the moment he left. He was nothing to me as I am nothing to him.

I dordle behind him to make sure that we don't become within talking distance. I notice Blake arrive at school first and I make sure there is a large enough gap between us so that I am nowhere near him. But as I walk through the main front gates and into the school yard I notice that everyone was staring at Blake as he struts through the yard. 

People were whispering and huddling in tighter in their small groups. I guess in such a small school and prestigious school, a new student is a huge event. And Blake was not like everyone else here. I surreptitiously watch him as he swaggered through the courtyard with his head held high like he was above everyone here. His black leather outfit was nothing like what anyone else wore to school and it made him look like someone you wanted to be friends with. He wasn't going to have trouble finding friends here. Annoyance bubbled up in my chest as I watched Sarah's boyfriend Jake and his popular mates approach Blake with wide eager eyes. 

Expecting Blake to treat these people with the same animosity that he treated me I expect Blake to palm them off but unexpectedly Blake smiles broadly back and shakes Jake's hand. Rage sends my blood boiling and an annoyance ignites within me that I didn't even know was existent before actually causes my heart to ache. Why does Blake accept these guys so easily into his life when he rejected me so menacingly? Why doesn't he like me? I was strongly upset by that thought.

Clenching my fists at my side and snapping my eyes angrily away from Blake and his new buddies I storm out of the front courtyard and head to my first class. I wasn't going to let Blake make my life any harder than it already was. I head towards my English class and am set at my desk long before the first bell chimes.

 I sat at the front of the classroom by myself as it was the furthest away from Sarah's chair and the closet point to the teacher, so no one could say anything to me without being heard. Other than Lisa no one else wanted to be associated with me because who ever sat near me was relentlessly bullied as well. I carefully placed my beloved bible on the desk to my left and my stationary to my left, I was a bit OCD with how I wanted my desk set up each day.

As I was placing the last of my books onto the desk suddenly everything was wiped off as a hand slid past it and all my belongings I had carefully placed out were sewn onto the floor.

With a gasp of shock, I jump back from the hand and snap my head up to see Sarah stalking past me with a smirk of enjoyment on her face.

"You should take better care of your belongings, freak," taunted Sarah. I was disgusted, and I have to grind my teeth together to stop myself from snapping back at her, I knew that only made things worse. So, I begrudgingly pick up my belonging from the floor as quickly as I can. Luckily the class starts soon after and as the teacher walks in I let out a sigh of relief.

Our teacher starts a lecture on the benefits of foreshadowing in stories when the door to the classroom slams open. A second later in swaggers Blake in all his glory. He walks over to the teacher and holds out a slip to her.

"Sorry I am late I couldn't find the classroom," Blake admits, and the deep tone of his voice is heard through the silent class.

"Not to worry Blake, choose which seat you would like, and I will help you catch up after class," Mrs. Kensington smiles. Blake nods back at her and then he spins around to face the class and chose a seat. I notice his eyes briefly swipe over the empty seat next to me, but they pass quickly, and he starts moving towards the back of the class towards the spare seat next to Sarah. She greets him with a warm smile that I knew was as fake as her eyelashes. 

Whispers break out throughout the room then and I notice multiple of the girl's eyes bulge as they take in his handsome features. I turn my head around slightly to notice that he sits right next to Sarah my bully. A strange rage passes through me as he sits next to her. He was supposed to be my friend and my housemate, he was never supposed to turn to the dark side and join my bullies. 

I have to grab ahold of the desk I nay fists and clench it until my knuckles turn white to contain my emotions. It just seemed like someone was out there trying to make my life a living nightmare. So of course, Blake was in my class and was sitting at the back next to Sarah.

Unable to control my curiosity I glance back at Blake to see his face, why was he sitting with her? A jolt of something close to fear sparks through me as I lock eyes onto Blake's deadly glare that he sends right at me. Horror sunk into my blood as I realised that Blake was now a part of the group that are my bullies. And now I have my bully living in my house with me. 


Hey guys! What are you thinking of this story so far? I hope you like it :) 

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