Chapter 5: He Did It

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"I really hope we catch him." You said to Peter. "Me too, babe." Peter said. "I just hope Gamora is okay." You said and Peter nods. He looks down at you and you give him a worried look. "Hey, we'll get through this." Peter said as he walks up to you and cups your face in his hands. "Everything will be fine."

"I just...I just got this feeling like....something is going to happen and I...I...I'm just scared." You said, nervously. Peter leans into kiss you for a few moments then leans his forehead against yours. "We will win." He said. "Besides....I still need to make you my wife." You smile at this and whispered. "I love you." 

"I love you too." Peter whispered, lovingly. 

"Okay, lovebirds....we need to be prepared. Thanos could show up any minute." Tony said to you and Peter. Both of you nod and run over to some tall debris and began to hide like everyone else except for Stephen Strange as he sits on a rock formation, waiting for Thanos.

Moments go by until a smoky looking portal appears and out comes Thanos. You noticed that he almost had all of the stones except for two. So you knew this was your last chance to save the universe.

"Oh, yeah. You're much more of a Thanos." Stephen said to the creature in a sarcastic tone. "I take it that Maw is dead?" Thanos asked. When Stephen doesn't reply, Thanos shakes his head. "This day extracts a heavy toll. Still, he accomplished his mission."

"You may regret that. He brought you face-to-face with a Master of the Mystic Arts." Stephen said and you shake your head at this. Damn, and I thought Peter was cocky. You thought.

"Where do you think he brought you?" Thanos asked him.

"Let me guess. Your home?" asked Stephen.

"It was. And it was beautiful." said Thanos and he uses the Reality Stone to change the surrounding from a dystopia to a planet full of paradise.
"Titan was like most planets. Too many mouths, not enough to go around. And when we faced extinction, I offered a solution." Thanos explained.

"Genocide?" Stephen said.

"At random. Dispassionate, fair. The rich and poor alike. And they called me a madman. And what I predicted, came to pass." Thanos replied as he turns the vision back to normal.

"Congratulations. You're a prophet." Stephen said. 

"I'm a survivor."

"Who wants to murder trillions."

"With all six Stones, I could simply snap my fingers. They would all cease to exist. I call that mercy." replied Thanos as he snaps his fingers on his right hand to demonstrate.

"And then what?" Stephen asked him, curiously, as he stands up.

"I finally rest. And watch the sun rise on a grateful universe. The hardest choices require the strongest wills." Thanos said.

Stephen starts to makes some gestures with his hands, summoning up some shields, and said. "I think you'll find our will equal to yours."

"Our?" Thanos said, confused, until a giant rock formation slams down on top of him, pushed by Tony. All of you run out of your hiding spot as Tony said. "Piece of cake, Quill."
Peter runs out and shouts. "Yeah, if your goal was to piss him off!" And the rock breaks apart to reveal a pissed off Titan as he used the Power Stone. He lets out a scream and switches to the Reality Stone to turn the broken rocks into what looked like bats and they chase after Tony, who flies off to distract them.

Meanwhile, Parker webs Thanos in the face, covering his eyes, then he swings by and kicks him in the face.
Then Drax slides in on his side and slashes at the back of Thanos's legs with his blades. Thanos lets out a yelp and kicks Drax back. Stephen summons up a magic sword and started to attack the Titan. But he grabs his sword by the blade as he used his other hand to pull off the web and glares at him then kicks Stephen.

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