Chapter 4: 14,000,605 Possible Outcomes

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"We're here." Mantis said as Peter lands the ship onto Titan. "Did Nebula say why she wanted to meet us here?" You asked her. Mantis shakes her head as all of you stand up and start to get off of the ship. 

As you, Peter, Drax and Mantis step out onto the planet, you noticed that it looked abandoned. It also looked like there used to be a city here but the buildings were broken and the sky was a red orange color.

"What the hell?" Peter exclaimed as he points up into the sky just as you heard a crash. You look up and noticed that a circular ship had crashed into the side of a building before crashing down into the ground. "C'mon!" Peter shouts and the four of you make your way towards the ship.

As you guys approach the ship, you could hear voices coming from inside. It sounded like three people, all males. You look over at Peter and both of you nod as you two put your helmets on and you opened the door to the ship and threw in a grenade. There was a loud explosion as all of you enter the ship.

"Thanos!" Peter shouts and you, him and Drax start attacking the three men by firing your guns at them. The three men move out of the way, get back up and into a fighting stance and start to attack back. One guy, in a red and gold armored suit comes at Peter but he throws a magnetic device on the guy's chest, making him attach to the wall next to him.

A smaller figure, with a red and blue suit with a giant spider emblem on his chest, fell on his back and looks up and sees Mantis looking at him with curiosity and he let's out a yelp. "Oh, my God! Please don't put your eggs in me!" He exclaims as he crawls away from her then shoots webs at her.

You fly over and kick the young man away from her and began to fire at him. But thanks to his agility and the mechanical spider legs, the young man was able to avoid your shots. He tries to jump out at you but you throw a electric rope at the guy and it wraps around his body, making him fall.

As Armored guy pulls himself off of the wall, Drax tries to attack but the third guy, who was wearing strange clothing, whispered to his red cape which jumped up and wrapped itself around Drax's head and pulls him down. "Die, Blanket of Death!" Drax exclaims at the cape as he pulls it off of him then tries to choke it.

Armored Man finally pulls himself off and flies over to Drax and aims his hand blaster at him as the Cloak flies back over to third man while you pick up the young man by his arm and Peter walks up next to you and aims his gun at the Armored man.
"Everybody stay where you are, chill the F out..." he said as you and Peter take your masks off. Then you look between the third man and the Armored Man and said. "I'm gonna ask you this one time...Where is Gamora?"

"Yeah, I'll do you one better. Who's Gamora?" The Armored man asked as his mask peels off of his face. "I'll do you one better! Why is Gamora?" Drax shouted as the two guys look at Drax in confusion.

"Let him go, or I swear to you, I'm gonna french fry this little freak." Peter threatened as he shoves his gun closer to the young man's head. "Let's do it. You shoot my guy and I'll blast him. Let's go!" The Armored man shouted as his arm turns into a cannon, aiming right at Drax.

"Do it, Quill. I can take it." Drax shouted.

"No, he can't take it." Mantis said, nervously.

"She's right. You can't." The third man said to Drax.

"Oh yeah? You don't wanna tell tell us where she is? That's fine. We'll kill all three of you and we'll beat it out of Thanos ourselves!" You said then you turn to the young man and said. "Starting with you."

"Wait what, Thanos?" The third man asked, confused, as he stares at you and Peter. "All right...Let me ask you two this one time...What master do you serve?" Stephen asked him. "What master do we serve? Are we supposed to say Jesus?" Peter asked in a sarcastic tone.

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