Amelia's POV

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The sound of my alarm broke me out of my sleep. I checked my phone to see the time. 6 a.m. "Great."  I reluctantly crawled out of bed unfortunately having to face the harsh world that is reality. Growing up I always watched movies and read books. The idea of living in a fictional world always fascinated me. The real world was nothing but disappointment. It sucked. No matter how much understanding and supportive people were around me, I couldn't help but feel worthless. I gathered my belongings and began to take a shower. The hot water loosened my muscles and I began to relax under the steam.

6.30 a.m. I applied minimum makeup, threw my hair in a sleek elegant bun and wore a simple white romper. I headed out of the door and began driving to school. I always wondered what was the point of college? It didn't make sense to me. After twelve years of high school education I had another four years until I could obtain a degree just to work at some basic job. Growing up, I was always taught the importance of good grades to be successful in life. However, it was obvious that I wasn't the most intelligent. No matter how much effort I put in, I was simply not good enough. The world wasn't fair.

With ten minutes to spare, I walked through the doors of Skye University. The smell of old textbooks and depression invaded my nostrils. It was my first year. Some people began to work directly after high school but my family had other plans. I never cared for college because I didn't have any plans for the future. I wanted to be a singer/songwriter but I never chased that dream because I knew it was impossible. My social anxiety would never allow me to perform any songs and I didn't exactly fit the "celebrity image". I stopped in front of a door that read "office". I knocked before entering and was greeted by the feeling of air conditioning on my skin. I purposely missed the orientation yesterday because I knew it was going to be a waste of time. I stood before the receptionist before speaking. "Hello. My name is Amelia Brown. I'm a freshman and I wanted to know where I could get my schedule." I spoke in a polite voice.

"You didn't receive your schedule yesterday?" The receptionist asked.

"I missed the orientation yesterday for uh... medical reasons." I said with the most convincing smile I could muster. I wasn't about the tell her that I purposely ditched because I had no interest in school and I was solely trying to please my parents.

"Oh! well give me a moment while I search your name in the system." She said as she began to surf the web. I took the time to admire the university. The building looked new and elegant. The interior was absolutely spotless and clean.

"Amelia Brooks. Found it. Here's your schedule and a map of the campus so you can locate your classes." The receptionist said as she handed me my schedule.

"Thank you." I took the schedule from her and observed my first class for the day. I had one class for the day and it was English. For three hours? I groaned and took a look at the map to locate my class.

I opened the door to my first class of the evening. There were about twenty students in the room and no one even noticed I walked in. I guess they weren't joking when they said in college no one cares. After about fifteen minutes the lecturer finally walked through the door.

"Good morning my name is Mr. Smith and I'm going to be your English lecturer for the semester. I'm going to start dictating so grab something to write on." Mr. Smith said in the most uninterested voice. Damn. He sounds about as enthusiastic as I do.

After the three hours were up, the class was over and I began to gather my belongings. I don't know how much longer I could keep up with this college lifestyle. However I didn't want to disappoint my parents either. On my way out, I called my mom and told her about my first day of college. Of course I lied and told her that I had the best day and I was excited about going back.

I went back to my apartment and began watching television. I couldn't focus because I felt almost like a robot. Is this all life had to offer? I never thought much about life after high school because honestly I felt lost. I can't see myself working a regular 9-5 job because I had bigger dreams. I wanted to be optimistic about the entire situation but I just couldn't. At this point I'm beginning to think that mentally I wasn't ready for college. I wasn't ready to face the real world. With that in mind I went to bed and began crying myself to sleep.

How is that for a first chapter? It's a little depressing but I honestly think that is how most college students think. Haha it gets a lot better and more positive after this. I wanted to have a perfect balance between negativity and positivity. This is the real world and unfortunately life outside of wattpad books are depressing. Anyway thank you guys for taking the time out the read this and hopefully this book goes how I plan.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2018 ⏰

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