Chapter 1

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"What do you think?" Lynn asked as she came out of the dressing room. She twirled around in a mini circle showing off her sexy body. She had on a skin tight aqua blue dress with a v-neck that showed just the right amount of cleavage. Her arms were bare because the dress was sleeveless and she had on her green class ring that glowed in the light. She never took it off. Her dress cut off right above her knees and her black bowed flats matched perfectly with the look of the dress. Her light brown hair flowed to her shoulders, in an elegant manner. It started out straight and ended up with cute flushed curls. Her aqua blue eyes matched perfectly with her dress.

"I chose well." I answered. Lynn was never good at choosing clothes. Even when we were in high school, I had to help her pick out an outfit on her worst days when she forgot to do the laundry because she was too busy reading wattpad.

Lynn frowned. "I chose the color."

I smirked. "I chose the dress."

Lynn rolled her eyes and walked over to the dress racks. She pulled out a sexy looking red dress. It didn't look as tight as hers. "Your turn." She smiled.

I pursed my lips and grabbed the dress, running into the dressing room before anyone could take it. Once inside, I stripped off my clothes until I was wearing my black lace bra and panties. Lynn hacked my undergarments drawer, AGAIN, and filled it with expensive French lingerie. She really wasn't using her money the right way. I put on the dress and smoothened it out over my body. It really wasn't that bad. She's getting better. I stepped out and heard Lynn gasp. Ignoring her, I walked over to the mirror and looked at it. The dress had a v neck and tiny ruffles on the sleeves. It went down to just above my knees. From my chest to my waistline, it was tight yet elegant. Below the waistline, it fell into a beautiful waterfall like ruffle.

Lynn walked over and set down a pair of red wedges, not to big and they had tiny bows. Cute. "Not bad Aria." She commented.

I nodded in response. "You'¢re getting better." I stepped in the wedges and they made me about a half an inch taller. Lynn took down my messy bun and my light brown hair flowed down to my shoulders in an elegant wave. My light brown eyes glimmered with hope. I brushed my side bangs off and smiled. I looked hot.

Lynn smiled because she was thinking the same thing.

"So are we done shopping? I'm starving." I complained. Lynn and I left the apartment at noon after eating a brunch of chocolate chip pancakes. It's seven now. Finding dresses for a fashion show is hard. Hold on, let me get this straight, Lynn and I are NOT models. We're designers hired by Styles, a fashion company. We pretty much make up designs and the others try to make them work. Honestly, I have no idea how Lynn got in, I mean I guess I do, she's very creative, in many ways, but she can not make an outfit for herself.

"Yes. Hurry up and change so we can go. I want some McDonalds." Lynn answered in a rush. She ran to her dressing room and I to mine. I stripped off the dress carefully, making sure I didn't step on it or ruin it or anything and put it on the hanger. Putting my clothes on and grabbing my purse, I joined Lynn at the checkout counter. "I'm paying."

"Are you sure? I mean you've already bought a lot of unnecessary things lately." I replied, annoyed at the fact that she went through my drawers. She gives me no privacy!

Lynn smirked. "Those were necessary, trust me."

I rolled my eyes.

"And besides, you know how this works. I buy clothes, you buy food. It's that simple." Lynn handed her credit card to the cashier person who I hadn't noticed until now. He was a handsome blue eyed blonde, probably in his early 20's. Ehh, I could do better. And I want someone who's rich. Lynn discreetly flirted with the cashier with her sexy eye charm and we walked off with our bags.

"Geez lay off the guys would ya?" I sighed. She was such a flirt.

"He was totally into me, you could tell." She replied happily. Lynn went for every hot guy she saw. No, she doesn't sleep around or anything like that. She's actually very faithful which is very ironic. She's got a harsh and sometimes mean personality on the outside but once you get to know her, she's very soft and nice and sweet and silly, and stupid, on the inside. Well, we're all stupid, but with her it's amusing. We exited the store and walked over to our blue two door Jeep Wrangler. Don't ask, Lynn liked it so we got it. I didn't mind, having a car no one else has is awesome because you can never get lost when you're looking for your car in the parking lot at a Walmart!

We put our bags in the back and Lynn turned on the engine and went into the road. Tonigh's the fashion show where they are going to show off our newest styles. I'm actually quite nervous because it's our summer line (since it's May). Lynn's not nervous at all which I don't understand. People all over the world are going to see our clothes come to life. But then again, I worry too much. I turned on the radio and we jammed out to My Life Would Suck Without You by Kelly Clarkson. That's our song. Ever since Lynn and I met in high school, that song has described us. We entered the parking lot to the Limerick Landing mall. Yes, Limerick Landing is the name of the city we live in. I love the name Limerick Landing and how it just rolls off my tongue. Limerick Landing, Limerick Landing, Limerick Landing, Limerick Landing. That's why we chose to move here.

We made our way to McDonalds and ordered our usual. We sat in the booth and ate quietly. Lynn and I are the same when it comes to food. Don't disturb us while eating food or we will claw your eyes out.

I let out an obnoxious laugh as Lynn spilled a little bit of mayo on her blue tank from her McChicken.

"Ugh." She grabbed napkins and quickly wiped it off. "My bad."

We finished eating and headed home in our Jeep. Time to get ready for the show.


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Here's a summary for a story on wattpad

Dark Shadows Are Alive by Laura33

In a world where all of the fantasy creatures that roam about in books are real theres very few people who can keep them in line. Lynn Brooks is a 17 year old girl who also happens to know about all of the things that go bump in the night. She hunts them down at night and keeps them from killing innocent people. But when Lynn's new so called friends become dangerously close to her she might not be able to force herself to do whats right.

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