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Sophie's POV

What did I just do? I just kissed my worst enemy. And he called me hot too. Wait, why am I next to him right now? Why are we hugging eachother? And why do I feel so comfy around him? And why do my cheeks feel warm? Why am I smiling? Why am I so happy around him? Why did I kiss him? More importantly, why did he kiss back? And why is Della and Mom here? I thought. Looks like Fitz was thinking the same questions because he was so red he would have put a tomato to shame. Wait. Why is Keefe, Linh, Tam, and Dex here?
"Hi Sophieee.." Fitz said while yawning. He snuggled into my neck more. I put my arms around his neck, still pretending to not know what was going on. I was going to enjoy the moment while it lasted...

Fitz's POV

Sophie had her arms around my neck pulling me closer while I snuggled in to her neck. I wrapped my arms around her waist and fell asleep again. After all, it was Saturday. I liked this moment. No, I loved it. I was going to make the best out of it while it lasted. Right before I fell asleep though, I heard, "The plan worked Edaline. It worked...".

—time skip to when they woke up—

Sophie's POV

I was in Fitz's arms. My arms were around his neck. It was Saturday.
"Good morning Sophie... WAIT. SOPHIE? Oh um... hi!" Fitz said while he unwrapped his arms from my waist. I pulled his arms around my waist again.
"Shhhhhhhh just sleep some more. It's only 3 am. Sleep."
"Sophieeeee stop. We're supposed to hate eachother, not love eachother."
"Well too bad. I love you and I don't care if you don't love me. I love you." I said back. I could tell he was really happy because he said, "Okay fine, I don't love you but since it's cold and it's 3 am and it's Saturday I'll sleep more. And I'll hug you too only because I'm cold." But he said the last part really fast and softly. But he wrapped his arms around my waist anyways and buried his face into my neck. I couldn't help but notice he looked like a dude named Percy Jackson. But he was so much better looking. He had the same hair hair, nose, and smile.He used to be my friend when I was back in Havenfield.
"Enjoy this moment while it lasts Fitzy. You know you love me." I whispered to him. And as I closed my eyes, I heard, "I'll enjoy it for you. But I don't love you. Trust me." and it was from Fitz. But, did he actually not love me? If he didn't, did he just hug me for body heat?

Sorry this was so short. A new chappy is coming out now.

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