...still say yes...

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Authors note:

So I'm going to post little by little till it's finished so you guys don't have to wait forever. Here we go. I hope you enjoy
After The snap
A bit of a change to AIW
Bucky sat covered in Steve's ashes. "Come back," he said trying to keep himself together, "don't, leave, me." Thor walked over and placed his hand on Bucky's shoulder, "soldier, the war is not over. We must prepare." Bucky took to his feet holding the ashes of his friend in his fists, "prepare for what. He just wiped out half the population," Bucky screamed, "of the entire fucking universe," Bucky was starting to break, "We can't fight. We can't win. We can't even avenge the deaths of so many. There's nothing." Bruce spoke, "he right. Stark." Bruce was cut off when Bucky yelled, "don't you dare speak that fuckers name. He's a fucking coward. He couldn't even keep his marriage on track. What makes you think he'll be any help. That's even if we can find him." Bruce looked down for a moment, "he'll help." Bucky yelled at Bruce, "how can you be so fucking sure!?" Bruce gestured to Bucky's fists, "because Steve's dead." Bucky closed his eyes, "Thor we need to find the princess of wakanda. Get her ready to lead."

Okoyu , "I'll take care of that. Go. We will rise. You seek to control the western world and allow us to control our home." Bucky nodded then turned to rocket, "want to stay or come with us." Rocket took a moment then said, "with you. I've got nothing left here." Bucky nodded, "Doctor banner," Bruce nodded, "Doctor please go with (.    Bp      ) and see about finding an alternate power source for vision. Thor and I will go back to the base and try and find as many as we can." Bruce nodded, "pepper. Find pepper and make sure she's ok if she's still here." Bucky nodded then Thor, Bucky, and rocket left."

5 years later
Nebulas Spaceship orbiting the moon

"I never thought I'd see her again," said tony looking at the earth." Nebula nodded, "you think your answers are there?" Nebula spoke again, "you think he is." Tony wiped a tear that escaped his eye, "if he is then I'll beg for forgiveness." Nebula spoke, "and if he's not." Tony balled his fists, "then we prepare for war."

Nebula took her ship out of the moons orbit then headed for earth when a voice was patched into the ship, "Unidentified craft. State your business." Tony spoke, "my name is tony stark. Headed for avengers base." The voice explained, "follow the ship we dispatched. You will need to go through questioning before you are allowed back on American soil." Tony spoke, "what happened?" The voice continued, "sir, you've been missing for 5 years." A female voice came on the line, "Tony?" Tony new who it was, "pepper. Oh thank god. Are you alright. What about Steve." It went quiet then the pilot of the ship got patched through, "follow me in sir."

The plane landed and tony hurried out. He was greeted with a hit to the face by Bucky, the other voice on the line. When nebula saw this she grabbed her gun and got ready to fight but stopped when tony said, "nebula, don't." Nebula holstered her weapon, "what! Why!" Bucky was angry, "because he fucking deserved it. That's why!" Tony, "I didn't end that." Bucky got down and grabbed stark by his collar with his metal arm and raised it up in the air, "You fucking ass," Bucky dropped stark, "when the end came he called my name and told me to tell you he loved you and that he was sorry." Bucky got ready to hit tony when Bruce yelled, "that's enough." Bucky stepped aside, "I can't forgive him." Bruce walked up to Bucky and placed his hand on Bucky's face, "I know Buck but you need to focus. We all do and when all is said and done the world will be safe. Now," Bruce took a step back and looked at stark, "come with us or I'll let him beat the shit out of you." Tony quickly got up, "what happened?" Bruce said, "you ran away and we picked up the mess. We gathered what we could and Bucky here took charge. The only one of us left with real war experience." We rebuilt most of down town with the help of Jarvis and the new iron legion." Tony looked to Bucky, "the winter soldier is in charge." Bucky was getting angrier, "I have no problem shooting you stark. Shut up."

It went quiet.

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