Willem - Prologue

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  • Dedicated to James Antonio, this one's for you

Willem (Prologue) - Written by Alexandra Panzarino (alexasmells)

**This book is work of fiction. Any relation to people, living or deceased, is completely coincidental. The material in which this book contains is simply figments of the author's imagination**

Prologue (Unedited)

It was so strange.

His life, his way of living.

Her way of living.

Most days she woke up in a barn yard, strands of hay caught between the layers of her hair, her make shift bed crunching beneath her as the smell of cow manure flared her nostrils. A small shepherd dog, with patches of brown on black fur, waking up by her side, his tail wagging with excitement, eager to see what Willem would show them today.

Other days she woke in a completely different scene, the little boy curled up against her, his breathing steady. Those days didn't feel like home. Every day the smell of sugar coated French toast making her stomach flip. Why couldn't her so-called parents make her a cup of oats instead of a sweet, sticky piece of bread?

Stranger still was the boy whom she took complete care of; Willem, whose hair was cropped to his ears, hidden by a ratty hat he'd been given by his mother. His neck covered with chain link impressions, and his hazel eyes constantly opened as if he'd never sleep again.


Thank you for reading the first installment of my story. Hopefully you've enjoyed it, I know it's not much, but there's plenty more to come from now on. Have a great day.



Panzarino, Alexandra

Copyright July 2014 ©

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