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"We are each our own devil, and we make this world our hell." ~ Oscar Wilde

The old world flickers like a film on the back of my eyelids in vibrant colors- red, yellow, blue. I can see the fields full of flowers and grass that stretch on for years. The air is easy to breathe, smooth like melted butter. Light filters down in visible rays, like the heavens offering a blanket of warmth to the earth. The air tastes like freedom and carefree joy. It fills your chest and curls your lips into a grin of complete elation.

This is how I like to imagine the world before.

They tell us that the world hasn't been like that in years. Since before their grandparents lived and died. They tell us that nothing has been carefree inn just as long; that innocence and happiness were Gods the world had turned away from long ago.

But I still dream it. It still floats in my head like a re-occurring dream. So, every night, I lay down on the floor of my small dark room and lay so still it's almost unnatural. I lay with a blanket over me and my desk light shining in my eyes and If I give it enough time, the movie will flicker on. Suddenly I'm there, the grass sways and life breathes back into happiness. I drift to sleep this way every night and for the most part, being trapped in this life becomes easier to bear.

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