First Day

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(U/n)-Undercover name :)

I arrived at the school. Midtown High.
I took a deep breath and walked inside. People stared at me as I walked in probably wondering who I was. I just ignored them and walked past. I went to the office like I was instructed to. A lady told me which class I was assigned to and my locker number.

I quickly went to my locker and dropped off my things there. I look at my timetable. First lesson. Science. I walked down the hall and went into the classroom. As I walk in, people were staring at me. At the corner of my eye, I noticed a boy with brown hair and brown eyes.

Peter's Pov

The door opened and a girl with (h/c) walked in. I stared her. She's is the most beautiful person I have ever seen. Those gorgeous (e/c) eyes...

"Dude! She's so pretty," Ned said.


"I hope she sits next to us!"

Your pov

I walked to the teacher.

"Hi! You must be (U/N)! Welcome to the school! You may take a seat beside Peter over there." She said as she pointed towards the boy.

I walked towards the empty seat beside him.

"Hey. Peter right?"


I sat down and the teacher started talking.

*30 min later*

"So class, today I will be giving you a project." The teacher said with a huge grin. Everybody groaned.

"I will be choosing your partners. Ned with Michelle."

Blah blah blah blah blah blah. She started saying a bunch of names I don't know. It only caught my attention when she said...

"(U/N) and Peter"

*Peter's pov*

"(U/N) and Peter"

Holy shit I am partnering (U/N)!

Ned whispered," Holy shit dude! You're partnering (U/N)! Can we switch partners? Michelle doesnt really do anything."



"U-umm y-yeah?"

"So where should we do our project at?"

"Umm m-m-maybe you c-can come to my h-house?"

"Yeah ok"

"A-After school?"


With that, she walked out of the room.

*time skip (your pov)*


It was finally lunch time. I walked around the school, feeling lost. Where the heck is the cafeteria? I walked around and accidentally bumped into someone. I realised it was Peter.

"Oh sorry!"


This boy sure stammers a lot...

"Umm w-what are you d-d-doing here?"

"Oh. I just cant find the cafeteria..."

"I c-could b-b-bring you there."

"Yea sure thanks!"

He brought me to the cafeteria. I got my food and walked towards the table Peter was sitting at. I saw Peter and his friend whispering about something. I walked towards the table.

"Hey can I sit here?"

"Y-yeah of course" Peter says. Ned waves.

"Oh a-and this i-is my friend Ned"

"Hi Ne-" Before I could finish, I was rudely interrupted by someone.

"Hey beautiful. My name's Flash."

"Umm hi?"

"Wanna hang out with me? We could go to my table." He pointed to a table and a group of people waved back at us.

"Oh actually I-"

"Come on!" He dragged me to his table.

*time skip to after lunch*

"Hey Peter!"


"I'm sorry about just now."

"It's o-ok"


"Hey (U/N)!" I turned around to see Flash. Again.

"Why are you even hanging out with Penis Parker?"

"And why do you keep interrupting me?" I was starting to get pissed.

"Just leave us alone!"

He held both his hands up in defeat.

"Fine bitch" Then, he walked away. What a jerk, I thought as I rolled my eyes.

"Sorry about that..."

"It's o-ok. You dont have t-to keep saying sorry." He said with a smile. I saw a light shade of pink on his cheek and I realised he was blushing.


"Umm I should get going. See you later!"

"Y-yea see you"

*time skip to just a few minutes before school ends*

I was so tired. I remembered I still had to go to Peter's house after school.
Ring! I tool out my phone and realised it was Uncle Tony calling


[Hello? (Y/N)?]


[I need you to come to the Stark tower now. I need your help.]

"But I have to go to someone's house to do a project later."

[Is a school project more important than helping your uncle? And I'm not letting you go to someone's house on the first day of school. What if they do something to you huh?]

"Fine..." I groaned.

I immediately rushed to the Stark tower.

*time skip to after school*

(Peter's pov)

I cant wait to hang out with (u/n)! I mean do the project... I waited for her at the door. I saw Ned and Michelle walking out together.

30 minutes later

Where's (u/n)? What's taking her so long?

2 hrs later

I dont think she is here anymore... I bet she already went home. I'm so stupid. Who would hang out with a loser like me? I dont think she even cares...

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