Reiju stopped walking and turned to you. She stared at your eyes with something looked like... Pity and sympathy...?

She sighed. “Are you sure about that?”

"Yeah, what do you mean?”

"It’s just, Ichiji, he...”

"He... what?”

"He's engage."


"Yes. He’s gonna marry a princess.”


"You know, we’re royals, sometimes we just have to do something like ‘political marriage’ for our future.”


Reiju shushed you. "Keep your voice down, I know it's hard for you but you have to let him go, Germa Kingdom need this. He need this."

You just stood right there, not being able to say anything. "D-did he know this?”

"He know this, he's been engage for three months.”

"Then why... why did he do this to me?”

Reiju tried to calmed you down, saying 'I'm sorry' million times, you could see guilty in her eyes, though, she couldn't do anything, but everything just getting blurry. You fainted.

~few hours later

You slowly open your eyes and saw Cosette sitting next to your bed, Cosette is looking down. “Cosette..?” you asked her.

She looked up. “(y/n)! Finally you woke up!” she shouted, hugging you.

You giggled. "How long have I been sleeping?”

"Just a few hours, you must be hungry, let me take your food.” She stood and walked out from your room.

You saw her walked out from your room, and you looked down, you sighed and covered your face with your hands.

Suddenly you heard someone talking in front of your room. ‘sounds like Ichiji and Reiju-sama' you thought, when you remember Ichiji and his political marriage, you hold your tears and listening to what the two were talking about.

“Reiju. Let me see her,” Ichiji said.

"I'm sorry, Ichiji, I really am, but I can't let you see her."


"You will marry a princess soon, forget her and take care of your future wife.”

“You know I don’t want to marry her.”

"Well, you have to, brother. You have to do this for our kingdom.”

"There must be another way other than marry that princess.”

"No, there's no other way, you know it." She sighed. "Don't you realized that you just gonna hurt (y/n)? You know you're gonna married soon, but you just makes thing even complicated by loving (y/n).”

“I will not marry Ana."

"You will, you better stop loving (y/n) if you care about (y/n).”

"Why should I stop loving her?”

"Because you're just gonna give more pain to (y/n) by loving her, (y/n) is a good girl, if she knows that you gonna marry a princess for Germa Kingdom, she will do her best to let you go.”

You could hear her footsteps fading away, while Ichiji still standing in front of your room, Ichiji sighed and walked away from your room.

You stayed silent until you didn't hear anybody's footsteps, and you finally cried, few minutes later Cosette walks in bringing your food on a tray, when she comes in you already wipes off your tears, and greeted her with a smile.

“Thanks, Cosette,” you said to her.

“No problem.” She hand you the tray, you hold the tray and started to eat the food slowly. "This must be hard for you.”

"Hard? What’s hard for me?"

“Ichiji-sama’s wedding."

Your eyes widened in surprise. “How did you...?”

"Reiju-sama told me that you and Ichiji-sama fall in love with each other but she also told me that you can’t meet him.”

You sighed. “Who is the lucky woman?”

"Her name is Ana Wintermere.” “

"...Ana Wintermere?”

"Yes, from Frisean Kingdom."

"Isn’t Frisean is the Kingdom with strong military and that awesome technology?”

"Yeah... Ichiji have to marry Ana so Germa Kingdom and Frisean Kingdom can make a relationship. Then, Frisean can help Germa to rule North Blue again and help Germa to be a greater kingdom."

"…oh, if course. Now I'm not in the mood of talking this thing, can we not talk about it?”

“Yeah, what do you want to talk?”

“Anything happier."

You and Cosette talked until you felt sleepy. Cosette noticed this and said, “(y/n), I think I'll call it a night now, good night.”

She took your tray and walked out from your room.

"Good night,” you said as you lay on your bed, you closed your eyes trying to sleep, but no use, you can’t sleep, so you think about something but memory about you and Ichiji keeps coming, until you remember when he said he loves you and wants you to go with him to Germa Kingdom, you sighed and shut the lights off, you closed your eyes and thank God, you fall asleep.

~to be continue

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