“Thanks” I smiled at them. They walked inside and Logan sat next to me.

“What’s wrong? Emmi told me that you were a little sad” Logan told me.

“It’s just everything with my family. Do you know how long it took my dad to get over my mum after she died? 2 months, that’s all it took him” I told him, he wrapped his arms around me and I rested my head on his shoulder.

“Listen to me, we are going to take everyone out to the park. Kick or throw the ball around and have a good time” Logan told me. I smiled and nodded my head, I stood up and helped Logan up and we walked outside.

“Alright listen up. Becky is a little sad so we’re going to go to the park and kick the ball around and play around” Logan said.

“Yes!” All the kids shouted and ran up the stairs. Carlie came over and gave me a hug.

“Us Butlers will take care of you no matter what” Carlie told me.

“I know. I just wanted to thank everyone for letting me stay the couple of nights and nights to come. I do need to get away from the house every now and then, even if I’m getting accused for you know with Logan” I told them.

“Who accused you of that?” Kayli asked me.

“Bianca” I told her.

“Woah, now I understand why you hate her” Casey told me.

“Try living with her” I told him, the kids came running down the stairs.

“We’re ready” Avia said.

“Alright let’s get going” Shay said. Logan and I went to my car which I brought over yesterday and I followed Shay to Bonneville Park. We both got out and saw the kids ran out with the soccer ball with Logan, Shay and Casey chucked the football around. I sat with Carlie, Kayli and Colette.

“So did you have a nice heart-to-heart chat with Casey and Shay?” Colette asked me. I nodded my head.

“I just I’ve been hiding my emotions in to long, and it wasn’t like my dad would listen to me because he’s always with Bianca” I told them.

“I see you’ve got a truck like Shay’s” Carlie pointed to my car.

“Yeah, my godmother got it for me” I told her. I saw the football coming towards us. I got up and caught it. I chucked it to Logan and sat back down.

“I do wish I could have my mother back, but I do know that it’s a part of life and I just have to get over it some time. Maybe not tomorrow or the next week or next month, but sometime in the future I will get over it” I told them.

“Wise works from a wise 18 year old” Kayli told me. We all laughed and continued talking, Carlie and I got up and tag teamed Shay and tackled him to the ground. I ran over to Logan and jumped on his back. He, sadly, didn’t go down. He caught me and started spinning in circles.

“Logan” I laughed and held onto him tightly. He stopped and I got off his back and I sat on the ground, dizzily.

We soon decided to go back to the house because it’s about to rain. Cooper and Princesstard decided to ride with Logan and I back to the house. We got inside just in time for the rain to come down.

“Can I borrow your computer?” I asked Logan.

“Yeah why?” Logan asked me.

“Blog post” I told him.

“Sure” Logan said. I walked to his room and opened is laptop. I logged onto my blog and started doing a new blog post. I finished and saved everything and went onto Logan’s twitter and saw his fans ask him lots of questions. I heard Logan walk into the room.

Idaho Girl *Logan McKay Love Story* *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now