Chapter 16 Pt II

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I woke up from a restful sleep. I felt Becky next to me, I turned over and saw her playing on her phone. I looked at what she was wearing and she was wearing the top that Kayli got her, the shorts I got her and the shoes that Shay got her.

“You know that it’s rude to stare right?” Becky asked. I smiled and gave her a kiss.

“What time do you leave for your Panel?” I asked her.

“In about 20 minutes. Shay is coming in 5 minutes then we’re going to head down” Becky told me.

“I’m going to take Amelia to StarBucks because I haven’t had it in a long time” I told her.

“Ugh! Lucky” Becky pouted. I smiled and gave her another kiss.

“I love you” I told her.

“I love you too” She told me. Then there’s a knock on the door.

“Open up slacker” I heard Shay’s voice.

“Alright after the Panel we can go to lunch and then I have a Panel” She told me.

“Alright” I said and walked over to Amelia.

“Hey bubba” I smiled at her and she wrapped her hand around my finger.


“Alright You guys, I’m here with Becky and we’re off to the Panel that has Alfie, Louis, Zoe, Jesse and Jenna, and we’re running a little bit late” Shay said.

“Because someone forgot their phone” I said and looked at Shay.

“It wasn’t my fault, Rocktard was playing on it and I was in a rush” Shay told me, we got into the room and everyone start cheering. I hugged Zoe and Alfie, and then sat next to Louis.

“Sorry we’re late, Shay forgot his phone” I told them.

“Like I said before, Rocktard was playing on it and I forgot gosh” Shay said.

“Love you too” I told Shay.

“Alright let the question being” Jesse said. After the Panel I texted Logan and asked where he was and he said he’s on his way. I stayed with Shay because I know that I’m going to get hate and he’s the only one that know about the big announcement, and that I’ll cry very easily if someone come and talks bad to me. I can not wait until Logan and everyone know. I saw Logan and Amelia, I hugged Shay and ran over to them.

“Hey babe, how was the Panel?” Logan asked me.

“It was good. Most of the question I was asked was about becoming a young mother and having panic attacks” I told him.

“I brought you a salad and juice because I know you would be hungry” Logan told me.

“Aww thanks babe” I gave him a kiss and we walked the pool area and sat down at the tables and I started eating the salad and opened my juice.

“What time do you have the Q&A?” Logan asked me.

“3, I have it after Louise’s” I told him. I put my pinkie in my juice and rubbed it on Amelia’s tongue. We watched her expression and she started kicking her legs. I giggled and put some in her sippy cup. I handed it the her, then she started drinking it straight away. I smiled and stroked her cheek.

“Come on, we better get to your Q&A” Logan told me. We started walking to the green room, I saw Zoe, Alfie, Jim, Tanya, Louis, Joe, Caspar, Marcus, Tyler and some more YouTubers. I took Amelia out of the stroller and set her on my lap. Logan handed her the small teddy and started started playing with it.

“Are you coming on with me?” I asked Logan.

“Not this time” Logan told me. Then Amelia threw the teddy and it hit Joe in the head, I heard everyone laughing.

“Amelia” I said whilst giggling.

“We’re sorry Joe. She’s in the throwing phase” Logan told him.

“It’s alright mate. I’m use to it with Darcy when she comes around to Zoe’s” Joe told us and handed Amelia the teddy.

“Brits it’s time for your interview with Chelsea from Hollywire” John called out, not John Green, another John.

“I’ll see you around” Joe told us and ran after the guys.

“Alright this YouTuber is the fastest YouTuber to get over a million subscribers in under 2 weeks, she is the queen of blogs. It’s Becky Jones” Lisa said, Lisa is a fellow YouTuber who is a friend of mine. I walked out and waved to the crowd. I got up on the stage and took the mic off of the seat.

“How are you guys?” I asked them.

“Good” Everyone said.

“That’s great. I see some familiar faces from the Panel earlier today” I said and waved to them. The questions came and I answered.

“Alright we have a question from another YouTuber. Bring him out” Lisa said. I looked to my right and saw Logan walking out. I saw Colette with Amelia, Logan came up to the stage.

“Alright, I love you so much Becky, I want you to myself and I want everyone to know that” Logan said, then he got on one knee. I covered my mouth and my eyes started watering.

“With you Becky Mae Jones marry me?” Logan asked me. He opened the box and a tear left my eyes, I nodded my head.

“Yes, yes I’ll marry you” I told him, he slipped the ring on and gave me a kiss. I heard the crowd started cheering and clapping.

“I love you so much” I told him.

“I love you more” He told me.

“How about that for a last question?” Lisa asked everyone and they started cheering again. I waved to the people and we walked backstage. I heard everyone clapping and cheering backstage.

“Yay!” I heard the kids cheer and run to us.

“Welcome to the family” Shay gave me a hug.

I’m soon to be Mrs. Logan McKay Butler.

Idaho Girl *Logan McKay Love Story* *Completed*Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora