Guide Me Home - Dr. Adam Terry

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"Dr. Terry." Adam sighed and looked at his watch.  "Time of death, 10:15 AM."  Adam pulled the sheets over the lifeless body.

"Dr. don't be so hard on yourself, there was nothing we could do-"

"No we could have saved him, just like we could have saved Rebecca." Adam said through tears in his eyes.  

"I will hand in my reginition tomorrow." Adam whispered as he walked out of the room.  Adam sighed and walked to the room 404
"Good morning." Adam said with a tired smile, the little girl smiled from her hospital bed. Dr. Terry is her favourite doctor, Dr. Terry is also fond of this particular patient.

"Good morning." Chloé said and reached out her arms. Adam smiled and pulled the little girl in for a hug.

"Please don't quit. There was nothing you could've done for that man." Adam pulled away in shock. There was no way she could've heard the conversation because she was four rooms down. "What did you say?" Adam asked his eyes as wide as saucers.

"Don't quit. It wasn't your fault that man died." Adam swallowed the lump that formed in his throat.  "I will be right back." Adam whispered as he walked outside of the room. 

"Dr. Terry?" Adam looked up. "Are you okay?"  Adam nodded. "I am taking my lunchbreak early I have to go somewhere."

Adam sighed and walked out of the building, and into his car.


"I love you so much." Rebecca  said and wrapped her arms around Adam's neck.  Adam smiled and spun her around.  Rebecca smiled and placed her lips on Adam's, Adam smiled and kissed her passionately.

"I love you too." Adam whispered and rested his forehead on hers.

"I have something for you." Adam said and reached for his pocket. He pulled out a necklace. "I love it so much." Rebecca whispered, she turned around as Adam placed it around her neck.  "It's beautiful."

*End flashback*

Adam sighed as he held the necklace close to him. He sat next to Rebecca's grave, tears  streaming down his face. It has been a month since she passed and it has taken its toll on Adam both mentally and emotionally.  "I miss you so much." Adam whispered and burried his face in his hands.  "You were right. I am not a doctor worth my salt. I am handing my notice in tomorrow." Adam wiped the tears from his eyes and stood up.  "I love you so much Rebecca." He whispered and walked to his car. The drive back to the hospital was painful as he remembered the good days with Rebecca.  His eyes darted to an envelope assessed to him.


I love you so much

Xx Becca

Adam smiled and held the letter close. "I love you too becca." 

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