Chapter I - The Discovery

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READ BEFORE YOU BEGIN: Just a disclaimer this is my first attempt at writing a story like this and I most likely will have a few spelling, grammar or punctuation problems here and there so please bare with me on that ^_^. Still as I start this story I have no idea what will happen besides the basic idea of the plot so it could really change at any point in the story. I hope you enjoy this somewhat and let me know if there are is anything you want me to try and incorporate or fix through constructive criticism.....not hate......(I'm weak welp). Um so let's get started.

"Sinners shall be punished by death" he whispered as he lent down to caress his victims cheek. With his left hand he raised the dagger above her cheek and dragged the dagger through her flesh. Her check flushed red as the blood slowly eased out coating his hand crimson red.

"Taehyung are you seeing this? Mummy's going to be so proud" he gleamed as he ripped the dagger from the young girls flesh. The vivid image of the girls face as she bleed became foggy as Taehyung's sleep came to it's conclusion.

Taehyung was woken by his alarm blaring through the walls of his blanket. He squirmed in his sheets as he thought to him self 'please shut up' as he groaned. Finally something clicked in his mind and he realised that today was his first day as a Junior detective in the Chicago police department. Instantly Taehyung jumped out of his bed and grabbed his phone, which was sitting on his nightstand and turned off his alarm. Taehyung quickly showered and dashed back into his bedroom changing into his work attire that consisted of a plain blue shirt and black pants. Racing against the clock of his soon to be arriving cab he stopped himself in front of a mirror to fix his messy blonde locks as they were placed awkwardly around his head thanks to his superb sleeping position.


"oh crap eh okay got my briefcase got my..." he trailed on trying to remember if he'd forgotten anything. After about a minute of silent panicking he decided he was fully prepared for the day and made his way out of his apartment. The cab driver looked a little annoyed only causing Taehyung to stress more as he hastily made his way into the back of the cab.

"Chicago police department please" he said softly trying to keep on the good side of the displeased cab driver.

As raindrops began to cascade down the windows of Taehyung's cab he thought of his time in Daegu, South Korea. Taehyung was born and raised in Daegu for 6 years before he was adopted by his American parents who were to be living in Daegu for 8 years. Taehyung has no memories of his birth parents nor do the adoption centres have any information about them. He had moved with his parents to Chicago when he was 14, he loved the city but often missed home wondering if his real mother ever would look for him one day. Even though Taehyung missed his birth mother he loved his adoptive family with all his heart, he was grateful that they were the ones that adopted him.

"Hey um that'll be $23.50" The cab driver said reaching his hand towards Taehyung watching him fidget around trying to collect his money paying him with a decent tip for being having to deal with him.

"Thank you, enjoy your day Mr" he heard the cab driver say as he rushed out the cab into the department building.

As Taehyung opened the doors to the building a world of chaos was revealed. The environment was hectic, people rushing all around the building, captains yelling and Taehyung frozen. He stood at the entrance terrified, it was his first day and he was already lost. Before Taehyung could work up the courage to ask someone for help, a man with a stern look on his face walked towards Taehyung and placed his hand on his shoulder.

"It's okay rookie, the office is just a bit crazy today, there's been a homicide" He said calmly trying to break Taehyung out of his anxious state.

"A-A homicide?" Taehyung asked questioningly, confused by how calm this man in front of him acted as he spoke those words.

"Yes, don't worry after a while you'll get used to it" He said patting Taehyung on the shoulder.

"Now let me introduce myself, I'm captain Hart, Caleb Hart and I'll be directing you during this case but right now we need to get a move on to the crime scene so follow me" He smiled making Taehyung feel calm whilst they proceeded to make their way back outside the building. They turned around the corner of the building to reveal what Taehyung thought was quite amazing. There in front of him were rows upon rows of police cars parked, Taehyung thought 'This would be enough for an army' and stood amazed before being ushered into the car by Captain Hart. Taehyung sat in the passenger seat as the Captain drove them to there destination. He sat there admiring his colleague, Captain Hart had warm brown eyes and short buzzed hair which was complemented by his beautifully tan skin. The Captain had noticed Taehyung staring and just turned and shot him another one of his warm smiles which Taehyung was already beginning to like. The car ride was less silent than Taehyung expected it too be with "Caleb", as The Captain had requested he call him by wanting to learn more about his new rookie. Taehyung was amazed at his kindness feeling a bit uncomfortable when Caleb asked him if he had a girlfriend, to which he kindly said "no" causing the captain to laugh.

"Aish Taehyung calm down don't be nervous, I'm just playing with ya" He chuckled catching Taehyung's attention with his sense of humour. The Captain gave him a serious but friendly look and simply said "a boyfriend?" causing Taehyung to become flustered and embarrassed. He decided to come clean and admit that he was gay but sadly still hadn't found the one.

After about 20 minutes Taehyung and Caleb reached their destination. Taehyung was surprised by the location it was simply empty besides some run down buildings in the distance. Even though the body being in the middle of no where it was still quite beautiful there was lush greenery all around making Taehyung feel as if he was in some sort of a forest. The lively nature of the town was darkened when Taehyung laid his eyes on the victims body. Taehyung wondered over towards the body to which he felt seemed familiar. The victim was female, she was so pale her skin looked almost iridescent as she laid there in the grass. One thing caught Taehyung's attention more than anything, the V shaped marking around her left eye. It looked she had been carved up like a piece of fair game which, made Taehyung feel sick to his stomach. He started to feel light headed the more he laid eyes on the woman's drained body and decided he had seen enough before leaving to return to his Captain.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18, 2018 ⏰

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