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Man has always believed they were invincible, the top of the food chain. Nothing could dominate the human species.
    That's how we used to think.

The earth screamed in pain as it opened its gaping maw we now call The Gate. Spitting out fire and smoke as it decimated all in its path. Homes and land slid inside, feeding whatever lay below the surface. We should have been greatful for that, those who died in the beginning were the lucky ones.

Man kind couldn't recover fast enough, just when we thought it was over. We got a quick reminder of how weak and helpless we are. Out of The Gate crawled Beings. Everything from monstrous Titans, to stalking ambush predators the size of a human baby. There was nothing left to cling to for hope, until they arose from the shadows of humanity.

Golden Knights with weapons and armour forged in the fire of The Gate. They drove back the monsters long enough for civilization to regain its footing. Humanity was forced to revert back to a way of life that would have been considered comfortable in the medieval era, but people lived. The Golden Knights and their families were crowned as nobles, and their leader, Galic Agernon was made the king.

That was two centuries ago.

Liliana's grandfather had been Galic Agernon, and she wished beyond belief he hadn't been. 

The Golden Knights did not beat back the beasts because of their armour, nor because of their weapons. It was because they had turned themselves into the creatures they hunted. This transformation was not known to most, there was some story one of Liliana's cousin's had made up that theirie appearance was a curse placed upon them by the lord of the beasts that crawled from theGate. Nonsense to scare children into their beds at night.

Liliana's mother hadn't been of The Golden Knights, due to this she was much more conservative about the experiments  and transformations done to Liliana in her womb. She had thought she was helping, but she had only made it worse. Liliana came out looking half human, with deep red eyes and claws. A beast with a human body. Liliana's mother threw herself from the roof only hours after giving birth, the guilt at what she had turned her daughter into had been to much.

As Liliana grew she became more of the creature she had been forced to turn into, the DNA fusions came nearly every day. She was highly susceptible to the DNA of the creatures, and what The Golden Knights had thought was their greatest failure, soon became their greatest achievement.

Liliana was trained for fourteen years  to be the ideal warrior. However, there was something the Knights had never anticipated. Liliana had gained more than physical prowess from the DNA fusion, she had been inter connected into a psychic network that the creatures had. Liliana kept this to herself, but every time she killed one. She isolated herself, listen to the pain of the beasts and those in The Gate. They would cry out at the loss like a family. She felt like they were her family. They were the only ones that she ever felt close to, and she was forced to kill them.

Short and Sweetحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن