Why is this Happening?

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    Slow flashing lights, red and blue filling my returning vision. Expecting my head to hurt I raise a hand to my forehead, but there was no pain, no blood, nothing to indicate I had just been hit by a car.
    I push myself from the ground up to my feet; it was easier than it should have been. "How hard did I hit my head?" I mumble walking from the pavement where I had lain to an ambulance sitting in the middle of the road. Outside of it stood one man playing on a little pink IPhone.
    "Get off my phone you creep," I yell but he doesn't even look up. I reach out and grab at my phone, he fumbles and drops it.
"Shit," he grumbled crouching down and grabbing my phone once again. Frustrated I knock on the back doors of the ambulance.
"Hey, I know you guys are busy but I was just hit by a car and need medical attention." A man peeks his head out of the ambulance, he glared at the other man.
"Will you quit going through whatever perverted things you found on that phone and get her god damn emergency contacts. There is blood everywhere in here, and I'm getting in shit over the radio because we haven't brought the body in yet," the man from inside almost growled. The other man sighed and walked around to the passenger side door, getting in.
    I stand dumbfounded. My phone, my emergency contacts. I look around at the road. There, not even a yard from where I woke up; bits of something gray covered in the scarlet red of oxidized blood. I walk over slowly, and my stomach lurches. Brain matter and blood painted the road, darkening the black tarmac in the night.
    "Sad how some people die, isn't it?" a male's voice came from behind me. I don't move, he can't see me anyways. I'd rather morn the loss of my life than look at whoever's pity coated face anyways.
"Would you like to see how you died?" the voice asked much closer now. I could feel his hot breath in my ear. I twist around to face whoever it was, and see a boy not much older than myself with a mischievous smile. "Yes, I can see you. You can see me. Lets not go through that part of this conversation. Lets get to the part where I show you how you died, and you cry on the ground eh?" He took a step forward, but I took a step back. He didn't look surprised by this, only impatient.
    "Look kiddo, I got other dead folk to help out. So hurry your shit up and let me do my job," he said as his smirk shifted into a frown. I shook my head looking up at him.
    "No, who are you? What the hell do you want?" I said glaring. Putting my hands on my hips. At this show of stubborn pride he laughed.
"Well most aren't this hard to work with, but I suppose you haven't even had time to see your body yet. What's left of it that is," he said opening his hands in front of him. Something that looked like a mirror appeared between him and I. It shimmered, and in the reflective surface was a mangled corps. Tire marks tracking over my white T-shirt, skirt shredded, as for my head. There was nothing but the bloody stump of my neck.
"Jesus Christ." I reach up and touch my head. My eyes move from the mirror up to his face, it flashed from a skeleton's skinless face to the boy she had originally seen. His deep red eyes clearly amused.
"You're taking this rather well," he said as the mirror-like object disappeared. I walked to the side of the road and sat down in the dirt.
"Well yeah, there is no other way to take this. I'm dead. There is no going back." I put my face in my hands.
"You have a few choices if you would like to hear them," the boy said standing not far from where she sat leaning against a lamp post. I looked at him; tilting my head like a curious animal. "I will take that as you do." He nodded towards the road, an image of her earlier that day making coffee.
"You can watch your life, learn from your mistakes, and be reincarnated." He grinned down at her as he continued, "or I can make you like me. It's pretty difficult and most people can't actually make it through training." I stared at him confused by what he meant.
"Are you something special? I mean I know you can see me, but aren't you just a person?" I asked sitting up just a bit straighter. The red haired boy looked almost offended by my statement. His gaze turned to a glare.
"I my dear, am a reaper of sorts. A soul designated to catch lost souls and bring them to their next life. Make up your mind already, or I'm going to just leave you here. Someone else can pick your sorry ass up," he said turning his back. I blinked at him in astonishment, and considered my options. He began to walk away from me, so I jumped to my feet.
"I want to go through the training. Let me be whatever you are," I said in a rush of breath. He turned to look over his shoulder at me.
"Then don't just stand there." He continued walking, I had to run to catch up. "I am a soul collector. Pretty easy to remember," he said as the colour in the world around us began to fade into white. My world disappearing from around me, and his world coming into focus in the distance.

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