The Great Escape-13

Start from the beginning

"I brought Beyoncé on da phone!"
"Hey baby. Wake up please! Look I know you're mad at Robyn because she's an ass hat but at least wake up for me, beautiful."
"Dats not what I told ya to say or how I told ya to say it"
"I know that Robyn but you don't run me and frankly she likes me more than your big forehead ass."
"Ok Beyoncé you can end the message n-"
"We could've parked the RVs on your damn forehead. Then they would've never gotten left behind."
"Ok Beyoncé hang up da phone n-"
"Call me back babygirl. I'm sorry about Robyn." -12:20 pm


"Onika! We're in Vegas! Best believe I'm tracking your ass down as we speak! When I get my hands on your microscopic ass it's over for you!" -2:30 pm

Jayce and I looked at each other in horror. We knew that Robyn meant every word. Just when we were about to start devising a plan the hotel phone rang.
"Hello?" I said hesitantly.
"Uh...yes. Ms.Maraj uh...Ms.F-fenty wants to come up to see you."
"Tell her I said no."
"Uh it's not that simple. The room IS in her name so she has every right to go up there." He explained.

Jayce must've seen the look on my face because he instantly started packing all of the complimentary snacks and beverages that came with the suite, into a plastic bag.
"Ya hear dat Nika? I'm on dat ass!" Robyn said.
"I'm afraid she's on her way up Ms.Maraj." Vincent said.
"Alright Vincent thanks for everything!" I yelled as I slammed the phone back down.

I quickly located my clothes on the side of the bed and slipped them on as well as my shoes.
"She's on her way up here Jayce let's go!" I screamed putting my phone into my back pocket. We made a mad dash for the emergency exit.
Right as I reached the door, Robyn stepped off the elevator, looking both ways and as she spotted me, her nostrils flared.

"Onika!" She yelled as she took long swift strides toward me.
I slammed the door behind me as Jayce and I ran down the first 5 flights of stairs, his lanky ass was several yards ahead of me as I took my little legs as far as they could go. We jumped onto an elevator and rode the rest of the way to the lobby. I slapped the keycard down onto the counter of the main desk along with a $100 bill and ran into the parking lot with Jayce.

We hopped in the rental car and pulled out of the parking lot. We didn't know what to do since we didn't want to drive over state lines with it,knowing they would never see the car again. We drove in circles until eventually we drove to the car rental place and to our horror, both RVs were there waiting for us one of which had a very stern Robyn leaning against it.

"Well Jayce, it was nice knowing you." We met for a hug halfway over the middle console. A worker came out to inspect the car before returning it to the lot.
"Get in the damn RV, Onika." Robyn said without even throwing a second glance over at me, she was too busy watching Jayce get on the other RV.

As I slowly walked up the steps I looked back at Jayce and he gave me a small smile with a thumbs up. Beyoncé was sitting in the drivers seat and got up giving me a tight hug and a kiss on the forehead. She returned to her seat and put the key in the ignition as Robyn got back on. I plopped down on the couch, salty that  we had gotten caught. I took out my phone and absentmindedly scrolled through my Instagram explore page.

Robyn sat on the couch across from me as we left the dealership. I handed her the debit card hoping she'd walk away after that.
"Why'd you run?" She asked me.
"I didn't run."
"Really? That's funny I recall you taking off when I came out of the elevator."
"Really? That's funny I didn't see you. Jayce and I were just checking out. Our reservation was up."
"Bullshit. You had no problem running up my card until you heard I was in the building."
"If it was that big of a deal you would've just cut off the card, am I right?" I asked, leaning back and crossing my arms.

"You know, she has a point Robyn cut the Law and Order shit and forgive her already."
"You're always throwing me off Beyoncé. Come 'ere Nika." She said so I walked over to her and she pulled me down into her lap. She leaned in and pecked my lips before slapping my ass.
"So...what did you and Jayce do on your vacation inside of a vacation?" Beyonce asked.

"Uh...well we ran up Robyn's card, Jayce won a jackpot it was like $100,000. We deposited it in his account. Uh...we got a room. Oh and then we had sex. No not with each other. We paid for some real good strippers and then we got drunk."
"Sounds like you had quite the time and you only had like 24 hours to yourself." Robyn said.
"Yeah...something like that."

Sorry if this chapter is kinda boring. I'll make up for it soon. I already have plans for the sequel but there'll be quite a few more chapters to this book I'm just letting you know what's up! Anyways...

Why do you think Robyn isn't mad at Onika for having sex with someone else?

Is Robyn the top or is Beyoncé because it's honestly hard to tell.

This question is to get you thinking about the sequel.
Do you think the three girls balance each other out and support each other enough to get through the smallest things?

Thanks for reading, voting, and commenting! ❤️❤️
Btw you can private message me at anytime. I'll reply because I'm always bored and no one who I go to school with ever wants to hit me up😒 we can become friends. I'm not that weird I promise😌😂

1231 words

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