I look up at Dad and walk over and give him the biggest hug ever. "I love you Daddy, thank you so much for this."

"You are so welcome Princess. You been so down for the last couple of months do to healing and everything and missed out on doing anything for you birthday so this is your birthday from the whole family." I gave him another hug then pulled back.

"So Y/n, did you have a song in mind that you wanted to sign with me?" Jensen asked. I nodded "You going to tell us?"

I nodded again earning a few chuckles and giggles. "I was hoping we could do Crazy Love or Wagon Wheel." I told him

He nods. "Good choices. What do you guys think?" he asked and turned to the crowd and they screamed for Crazy Love. "Okay, Crazy Love it is." he walked over to the edge of the stage and grabbed the guitar from the stage hand with a mic stand.

"D-do y-you think I could play?" I stuttered. He smiles and nods, he hands me his guitar. I put it on and practice the cords.

"Whenever you are ready." Jared said. I nod and saw that Dad went back to his seat, he smiled at me and gave me a thumbs up, I took a deep breath and started playing.

[Strophe 1: Me]

"I can feel her heartbeat from a thousand miles

And the heavens open every time she smiles

And I'm running to her, that's where I belong

I'm running to her like a river's song"

Everyone was a little surprised by my voice except for Mom.

[Chorus: Me & Jensen Ackles]

"She give me love, love, love, love, crazy love

She give me love, love, love, love, crazy love"

I smiled as Jensen started singing his part.

[Strophe 2: Jensen Ackles]

"She's got a fine sense of humor when I'm feeling down

And I'm running to her when the sun goes down

She takes away my trouble, she takes away my grief

She takes away my heartache and I go right to sleep"

[Chorus: Me & Jensen Ackles]

"She give me love, love, love, love, crazy love

She give me love, love, love, love, crazy love

Yes I need her, in the daytime

Yes I need her, in the night

Yes I want to throw my arms around her

Kiss her, hug her, and I kiss and hold her tight"

I could not stop myself from smiling as I looked over at Jensen then over to my family. I looked at C/n and was smiling like crazy, I winked at him.

[Strophe 3: Me]

"When I'm returning from a long day

She give me some sweet lovin', it brightens up my day

It makes me righteous, yes it makes me whole

It makes me mellow right down to my soul"

[Chorus: Me & Jensen Ackles]

"She give me love, love, love, love, crazy love

She give me love, love, love, love, crazy love

She give me love, love, love, love, crazy love

She give me love, love, love, love, crazy love"

I played the last note and took a step back from the mic, still smiling like crazy. Jared took the guitar when I took it off and handed it back to the stage hand, I had enough time before Misha tackled me with a hug.

"Oh My God!!! That was amazing!" he yelled in the mic and everyone cheered in agreement.

"And to think she got it right the first time." Jensen said with a chuckle and I giggled. He turned to me and walked over and gave me a tight hug. "You really did do amazing Y/n." he told me when he pulled back.

"Thank you." I said as Jared gave me a hug. "It really means a lot coming from you guys. It also means a lot to me that you guys were willing to do this for me, I really appreciate it, so thank you guys so much." I tell them as a tear comes out. All three of them came and gave me a giant hug.

"No reason to thank us, Sweetheart." my heart fluttered a little bit when Jensen called me that. "You did something amazing to save people you care about and got seriously hurt during that. That takes a lot of courage to do something like that even if you are trained and everything to still do that. Y/n, we did this because you deserve this, you are a hero, you could of died that day but you didn't, you came out stronger." He told me as tears started to fill my eyes again and you could see it was with him too. "I heard about this all the way over in Vancouver, we all did." Jared and Misha both nodded. "When we heard about this and it broke our hearts. We could imagine what was going on in your parents head because that's what went through our heads when we thought about that happening to one of our kids, it would tear us apart if that ever happened."

"Yeah, what Jensen is trying to say but isn't-" Jared said and people chuckled and I wiped the tears from my cheek. "You Y/n, are incredible and we were more than happy to do this for you, you really deserved this." I nodded and gave them all a hug again.

I cleared my throat and turned to the fans. "I'm so sorry that you guys got this instead of being able to ask them questions and hear them tell stories and-" I got cut off.

"We moved that to tomorrow." Jensen waved off. "We really wanted to do this so we had them do the Q&A panel stuff tomorrow so you're good." he told me and I nodded.

"Okay then. Well again thank you guys so much for this. Dad same thing goes for you too." I put the mic on the mic stand and went down and gave Dad a hug and the whole family joins in. After we break the hug we go back to our seats but C/n pulls me back to the stage. I giggled, "C/n what are you doing?"

"Well, before we have to go, C/n here came with your Dad to come and talk to us." Misha started and I started to get confused so I looked over to Dad and all he did was wink and smile.

"What's going on?" Still really confused.


A/n- little longer then the other ones, but I hope you guys are in joying this so far.

Steve McGarrett x Lori Weston- That Just Happened.Where stories live. Discover now