Chapter II

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Narrator: Madison was rushing to her bakery meeting. Then, she saw an old lady getting mugged. And decided to chase after the muggers.

Madison: Hey. Hey! Get back here. (Pant, pant.)

Narrator: As Madison ran after the thief it didn't matter to her whether or not she would make it to the meeting that would decide the fate of her family and herself. After a half hour of chasing the muggers she finally caught them.

Madison: I got your bag for you miss. I hope you are ok. If this happens again promise that you'll go straight to the police.

Old Lady: I promise, and thank you. I wish I could repay you somehow.

Madison: You can repay me by making sure that you will carry a less-expensive purse so people won't want to steal it as much. I'm sorry to just run off after what happened to you, but I really need to get going. I have an important meeting to attend that will decide my future.

Old Lady: Thanks again young miss.

Narrator: What nobody noticed is somebody staring at their situation from afar. The person from afar was called the Yellow Turtle. He comes up as a big role with few lines later in this story.


Narrator: A few minutes later Chloe was experiencing something similar. Chloe was on her way home and she saw a crazy man on a roof.

Chloe: Sir. How did you get up there?

Man: I can't get down! Why am I here!? What happened to me? Am I flying? Huuuu, I have ninja skills, right?

Narrator: As the crazy guy tried to figure out a "logical" explanation as to why he is up there, Chloe climbed up a ladder. (This building is three-stories high and the ladder is very old and creaky.)

Chloe: Sir. I need you to stay calm and come to me. It is very dangerous up here. Be very, very careful.

Narrator: As Chloe escorted the man off of the roof, the Yellow Turtle was watching them in the distance.

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