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I'm lame I know
I hurt you I know
But not a day goes by
That I'm not thinking about you
Thinking about how much I hurt you
Thinking about how much it hurts me
That I can think of a way for you to forgive me
I'm terrible I know
But when I think of ways to make up for that I have done
Even the simplest thing
Seems like the worst of things
I wrote this from the bottom of my heart
With my deepest of bottle up feelings
All because I love you
I hate to see you hurt
I hate to see you cry
I'm sorry for all I have done wrong
Will you ever forgive me?
It's cool if you don't
I know I don't deserve it
But knowing that I cheer you up a little
Is enough for me
I try not to hurt you
But some how I always do
Just like the world
Your better off without
Your better off with someone who can make you smile
Make you laugh
Cheer you up with no problems
Who is there for you till the end
I try to be that person
But in the end I'm not
I'm sorry that I can't be
I can't be everyone
I can't be everything
I can't always do what you want
I can't give you what you need
But I can give you
A reason to smile
Your wonderful
Your you
You have people who love you
& most of all
You don't have to change
Your perfect the way you are
People may not see that
But that's ok
As long as your happy being you
That's all you need
I'm sorry I made you sad
Please forgive me
Knowing that you have
Is good enough for me
I love you
I care about you
Don't let anyone put you down
Stay true to yourself &
Never let anyone tell you what you can & can't do
It's your life
Live it how you want
Your only you once
Be it till the end

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