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I pour my feelings out on this page
Hoping for only positive things
Sadly life doesn't work that way
It always finds a way to put you down
To make you sad
To make you cry
They say only the weak should cry
That is not true
The strongest can cry just as easily
Some may seem heartless
But they are not
Some of the strongest can be the weakest
They just hide it to well
Same goes for the weakest
They may be the weakest but they can be the strongest
We are all the same
Why put each other down?
All we want is to be happy
Why make someone down?
Instead of putting each other down
Why not do just the opposite?
Cheer up the saddest
Help out the weakest
Be friendly to the strongest
Let's all be friends
Why can we get along?
Is it because of how we are raised
Or do we still believe in stuff from the past?
Forget the past
The present is here
Make changes in life
Try something new
Don't become like those who out people down
It doesn't always end well
All actions have consequences
So think before you act
Who knows
You may even save a life

~ Makayla

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