Naps, knifes, and revealing information (chapter 50)

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“So that doctor,” Elizabeth says to Niall wiggling her eyebrows.

“Erm, yeah,” Niall says awkwardly and then blushes.

“It’s ok Nialler, why wouldn’t he have a crush on you? You’re so adorable and sexy,” Elizabeth says with a wink.

“Elizabeth! You are too young to speak that way,” Niall says joking.

Elizabeth gives him a huge smile like she did nothing wrong.

~~~~Niall and Elizabeth are home~~~~

“Niall, do you think I should tell my mom?” Elizabeth asks grabbing a water bottle.

“Erm, you can if you want. You can tell her in person later after the surgery or you could call her. It’s really up to you,” Niall responds with.

“Well I don’t know, I didn’t tell her that I was going in the first place.. What if she gets mad at me for it?” Elizabeth asks.

“Well it was a last minute thing, I mean you didn’t even know about it long enough to tell her,” Niall explains.

“True, but…” Elizabeth starts to say but stops herself.

“What is it Elizabeth?” Niall asks her.

“It’s nothing, nothing is wrong,” Elizabeth lies through her teeth as she bites her lip.

“Something is wrong; you are biting your lip. You always bite your lip when something is wrong,” Niall explains concerned.

“Well, she seemed so excited that I was having a child. It would have been her first grand-child. She seemed so happy, what if I disappoint her when I tell her?” Elizabeth explains.

“I’m sure she will be ok with it. You are only fifteen, you will have time to give her beautiful grand-children in the future,” Niall says with a smile.

“Thanks Niall, I think I’m going to take a nap and then invite her over and tell her before the surgery, is that ok?” Elizabeth asks.

“Sure babe,” Niall says kissing the top of her head.

“Thanks Niall, you’re the best. I love you,” Elizabeth says with a huge smile.

“I love you to,” Niall responds back as Elizabeth walks up the stairs.

~~~2 hours later~~~

“Niall? Why didn’t you wake me up?! Now I’m going to be late to my surgery,” Elizabeth screams down the stairs.

Elizabeth runs down the stairs panicked by a noise behind her.

“Niall?” Elizabeth asks grabbing a knife for protection.

“Niall, this isn’t funny at all. I need to leave now, come out.” Elizabeth says with her voice shaking.

The front door slams shut.

“Niall, this isn’t funny, I’m leaving and when I come back you better not be like this,” Elizabeth says about to cry.

Elizabeth runs out the back door and turns on her car and then quickly pulls out of the driveway making her tires squeak as they try to get traction on the ground.

Elizabeth’s POV

You need to calm down, you are driving. Niall was probably trying to mess with you, he loves to play tricks on you. She looks over at the car next to her.. Niall? No, that isn’t Niall, why would Niall be in the back of a car? Come on Elizabeth, you need to get a hold of yourself.

Unknown POV

Elizabeth seems so jumpy, and worried. Perfect. That’s just what I was going for.

Elizabeth’s POV

I feel like someone is watching me. Elizabeth you probably are being watched, you are Niall Horan’s girlfriend, duh.

Elizabeth pulls into the parking lot of the hospital. Her hands are clammy; she can’t think straight, she can’t even walk straight.

Elizabeth’s POV

Elizabeth you can do this. You are going to be fine. Why are you so worried? These people are professionals. I feel so lonely without Niall by my side, holding my hand to comfort me.

Elizabeth takes a few steps into the building then walks up to the check in desk.

“Hi, I’m Elizabeth Jones, I’m so sorry I’m late. I-I.” Elizabeth starts to say stuttering.

“It’s ok, we are running behind anyway, just take a seat over there.” The receptionist responds with.

Elizabeth’s POV

Where is Niall? He said he would be here to support me through this whole thing. What if he just left me because he couldn’t take me anymore? What if…

Elizabeth hears someone calling her name which makes her break out of her thoughts.

“Mom! Thank God you are here,” Elizabeth says getting up to hug her.

“I was so worried! Where’s Niall?” her mom asks as they break from the hug.

“Well, I don’t know,” Elizabeth says scratching the back of her head.

“What do you mean?” her mom asks her confused.

“I went for a nap after I went to the doctors, when I woke up Niall was gone,” Elizabeth says leaving out most of the details.

“Oh, weird, I’m sure he’ll be here soon. Wait, doctor?” her mom questions.

“Yeah, about that. I asked the doctor this morning how the surgery would affect my baby’s health and he had no idea what I was talking about so I got an ultrasound and he said he doesn’t think I was ever pregnant.” Elizabeth says running out of breath

“That’s great! I couldn’t imagine you as a teen mom,” her mom says a little loud.

“Me either,” Elizabeth says with a light giggle.

“Elizabeth Jones,” a nurse calls.

“I’m here!” Elizabeth yells back but can’t get up.

“Elizabeth you are going to be ok,” her mom assures her and her legs unlock from her frozen position.

“Well, here goes,” Elizabeth says with a fake smile and gets up and walks away with the nurse.

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