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ADAM ALWAYS SLEPT THROUGH MOST OF THE DAY. At least through the mornings, though he often had shifts during the afternoons, except on weekends. But, for the most part, he slept through the mornings to catch up on the sleep he missed out on due to his graveyard shifts he had every night, lasting from ten until closing at two in the morning. Work and bed, that was his life, and he was really not in the mood to open the door when frantic knocking broke him out of his blissful free trial death.

"Coming," he groaned, stumbling out of bed and lumbering towards the door, opening it and leaning against the doorframe, only to be shoved back into his apartment.

"I need to hide here," a voice said urgently, immediately ducking down behind his bed, leaving Adam sprawled out on the floor, dazed and half asleep.

Rigby Sergeant was, unfortunately, Adam's only friend and floor neighbor. The two had met when Rigby had accidentally locked himself out of his apartment in nothing but his underwear and Adam, new to his own apartment, let him stay until the locksmith arrived to let the man back in. They wound up spending nine hours together, because Adam forgot that the locksmith didn't know where he was staying, so the man just left his door unlocked for him until he got back.

A few years later and the two were still great friends, though Rigby had more friends than Adam did, which was fine, unless he counted the fact that he was a bit of a recluse as a result, since neither of them worked regular hours or jobs and rarely wanted to do anything fun.

His life was kind of extremely pathetic.

"What did you do?" he asked, finally realizing that he was still on his floor with his door open, toeing it closed with his left foot before using his arms to pull himself across his floor to find Rigby hiding.

"I think I slept with someone," he whispered, peering up above Adam's mattress towards the closed door, "It might be someone from work, and that's really what I'm afraid of."

Rigby worked with S.H.I.E.L.D. and the only reason Adam knew that was because of The Incident where the man explained that he worked in the New York headquarters and had no involvement at all in the saving of New York from aliens, but was now forced to do all the paperwork to try and help reparations. It was the most boring job at the most deadly institution, and it wasn't as funny or exciting as it should have been.

Adam was happy to be a store clerk, the most terrifying moment of his life had been chasing out a drunkard with a broom at one in the morning.

"Oh, is it that really cool, scary woman who works on the big, invisible jet thing?" he asked, because these were the kind of conversations a man his age had with a man who had just turned thirty-two.

"Maria?" Rigby asked, "No. I wish. But no, she kind of lives up on that thing and only drops by every two weeks or so, but she's started to talk to me more, so that's cool. In three years time, we're getting married, I guarantee it. But I think I slept with Nancy, and I really hope I didn't, because she isn't that big of a Beatles fan and hates my sister, and I don't need that."

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