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❝ You grew on me. Whether like a flower or a weed, we'll just have to see ❞

Adam Cox just wanted to live his life normally without any problems or fuss

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Adam Cox just wanted to live his life normally without any problems or fuss. Already completely detached from his family for reasons he really didn't want to talk about, thanks, he was happy to just be living in his tiny one bedroom and working as a convenience store clerk, trying not to think of all the things he should be doing with his life; he was happy for the opportunity he had and, if he had a do-over, he wouldn't have changed anything else. Surprisingly enough, he liked the humdrum, it made exciting things more exciting.

Wade Wilson wasn't what he would call exciting. Of course, he was, but there were stronger words Adam would use to describe the strange man who came in at odd hours of the night to buy questionable items and wax poetic to him as he tried to strike up conversation about things Adam could never explain even if he wanted to. But despite Wade's eccentricities, he liked having him around, the man was a permanent fixture in an odd way, and he liked his routine.

But times changed and, with anything, routine was broken. Wade stopped showing his face around Adam. The whole body was there, but it was always hidden, a hood blocking his face, and Adam could only stand by Wade's side and hope that everything would be okay soon. Because he understood the pain of change more than anyone else, and he understood the need to cling onto the past like a lifeline, but he also understood letting go and moving forward. Because the past was dead and growing never stopped, but that didn't mean it didn't hurt to believe it.

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jake gyllenhaal as adam cox

❝ surprise, surprise, I have a heart, and I won't hesitate to use it ❞

❝ surprise, surprise, I have a heart, and I won't hesitate to use it ❞

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ryan reynolds as wade wilson

❝ relationship status: complicated, but I did make intense eye contact with the store clerk ❞

Growing Pains ▷ Wade WilsonWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt