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Mark POV

I looked back up at the camera and started to give a little explanation as to why I had just paused.

"Oh god, you guys won't believe it, a donation of $285,000! thank you thank you so much Jacksepticeye! But I really don't need this! Please, get a refund on your donation! I swear, I don't mean to sound so desperate for donations I can take care of myself." I concluded with a slight laugh. Though when I looked back at it, there was a message that I'd somehow missed.

"Oh wait there's a message here, hold on a second." As I began to read it to myself though, I started to be overcome with empathy and something else. It read,

Jacksepticeye- Top 'o the morning to ya laddie! My name is Seàn, or Jack, whichever you like more <3 Anyways you're probably questioning the donation. Well, I want all of my money to go to you. You've helped me get to where I am right now, which is great! But to put it simply I don't want to go any farther. You're a lovely person Mark and I've admired you for years, almost like watching you grow up and I love ya to bits. Keep doing what you're doing <3

I froze as I finished the letter, this was a... Suicide note? To me? Why me? I'm just a stupid guy that plays video games for a living, and this stranger which goes by Seàn, or Jack, practically just put me in his will. I snapped out of my thoughts to feel warm tears falling down my cheeks. Raising my hand up to my face I wiped them away quickly.

"I uh, Jack," It came out more as a question than a statement, I didn't know what to say, I was speechless. "Please stay with me here Jack." It was a plea.

Jack POV

I beamed as I finished my letter and sent my donation, I watched him scroll through the chat but then he paused and his eyes widened. Then he spoke

"Oh god, you won't believe it, thank you thank you so much Jacksepticeye! But I really don't need this! Please, get a refund on your donation! I swear, I don't mean to sound desperate for donations I can take care of myself."

I beamed as he read my name and smiled, but it faded slightly when he asked me to take it back. Nevertheless, I was still happy. He then went back to looking at the chat. This time, he paused again, but for longer, and then he started to cry.

"No no no no no!" I inwardly screamed. I felt horrible, I must've been the one who made him cry, oh god what have I done? now he's sad, and It's all my fault. I should probably just have ended it before the stream so this never happened. I faintly hung my head in shame, he talked again, but with a new calmness to his voice that usually wasn't there.

"I uh, Jack," My head perked back up at the mention of my name, I looked into his eyes, he looked so unsure of himself.

"Please stay with me here, Jack." Now I was the one who was unsure. He looked expectant for an answer so I typed back into the chat that had grown surprisingly still since he started to cry. I typed,

I'll stay until the end of the live stream

I hit enter with a single finger and waited for his reaction, my knees now tucked up to my chest. After a few seconds, he sighed in relief. I was confused, why would I matter to such a god?

"Oh thank you, thank you"

Suicide Stream //Septiplier//Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα