"Tell me." I whisper. "Did you find him?" He nods still not looking at me. I'm starting to grow nervous every second he ignores me and keeps that defeated look on his face.

"Should I worry about giving birth to wolf babies?" He finally looks at me, eyes wide.

"No, no. He didn't rape you. You got the bruises from when you tried to fight him, that's why he drugged you."

"Aha I knew it!" His eyebrows crease not understanding my relief in this statement.

"I felt like I had been drugged and I was right. I'm just too good at this. Maybe I should become an investigator." Lucius smiles and I reach my hand out, cupping his cheek. "There it is." I smile back at him as he slowly leans his face into my hand, lifting one of his to cover mine.

"I'm sorry. I bet this wasn't what you were expecting when you decided to be my friend."

"Actually if I'm not mistaken, you chose." I laugh thinking back to his first day. "And no, it's way better."

"How?" He sounds doubtful.

"There have been moments I've wanted to beat the crap out of you, moments I've wanted to help you, and moments I was scared of you, but I never expected that you would be the one to save me. Physically and figuratively. I always thought I'd never find someone who could deal with me and yet you do. Some days are probably easier than most." I blush as he nods. "But you have noticed more about me than anyone else ever has and you're willing to come and rescue me from not only my dungeon and but even after I was a jerk to you. I honestly couldn't have wished for a better friend. You came into my life unexpectedly, but I have enjoyed every moment of it."

"Even the part where you found out I'm not human?" I touch his hand.

"I don't feel fur." I brush my thumb across his cheek. "I don't feel fangs." I put my hand over his heart. "I feel only the heartbeat of a good man." He begins shaking his head before I finish.

"Just because I don't have fur now doesn't mean I don't have any." I smile, a chuckle escaping my lips.

"Nobody's perfect." I smile but he still doesn't look up. "I don't care what kind of car you drive. Where you live. If your clothes are this year's cutting edge. If you're the best-looking guy in the world or the richest. All I care about is what you say. They're the only things you will ever own. The only thing I will ever remember you by. So I will not fall in love with your skin or bones or fur." I chuckle. "I will not fall in love with the places you have been. I will not fall in love with anything but the words you say. You could be Frankenstein and I would care less." He looks me in the eyes for a long moment before he begins to move closer. Slowly he moves his head until his lips gently brush mine. I feel my insides explode. My blood boils hot as I lift my hands and tangle them in his hair. His hands in turn find my neck and waist. I can't stop the moan that escapes my lips. I feel Lucius smile against my lips. This feels so right. The kiss deepens and I become lost in the feeling of this man. His muscles, his warmth, his heart. He stands up, my legs wrapping around his waist as he slowly brings me back down onto the bed. I lightly pull his hair and a deep moan escapes his lips. I devour every feeling I can from him and after what seems like hours, he pulls back.

"Don't let me go." I whisper.

"Never." He leans down and kisses my neck before rotating on his side and wrapping his arm around my waist. For the first time in forever, I will finally be able to sleep. I finally feel safe. I finally feel like I matter.

* * *

"Oh my gosh." I smile shyly at Jess as Lucius and I walk up to her hand in hand. "When did this happen?" You can tell she's not even the least bit shocked. She shipped us since the very beginning. I'm going to need to speak to her about this. What did she see that I didn't? I look up at Lucius to find he's already looking down at me smiling. I blush, the smile on my face growing in size.

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