The kiss??

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We shut our phones and then We arrived at Carlos home. And we were now in his room MAGIC....but he went to go take a shower so he wasn't really in it?Idk I was just looking at fan accs,liking pictures and videos until he came out with a towel on.Fuck was he hot.Wait alex wtf oml did I just call his ugly ass hot or something.
Bro Alex!ALEX!HAMID!!!!carlos said shouting at me

WHATTT!?I asked confused looking at him.

Nada.Carlos said laughing getting clothes and changing in front of me.
Wow.Just wow.
Oh well
Now I'm Actually kinda tired now.Carlos said giggling or wtv idfk
Same do you just wanna lay down and talk DAMN I SOUND WEIRD.I said
Hahaha Yes please.Carlos said laying next to me and we looked at each other
Do you ever wonder how it would be like to date or kiss a boy?I asked
Sometimes yeah.He said
Do you wanna see what it's like?I asked nervously
Uhhh idk.Carlos said blushing
Hahaha it's okay.I said
Nah actually I do but Uhm you wanna see what it's like.Carlos said
So like you wanna try?I asked
Yep.Carlos said as we both laughed and started to lean in and then bam we kissed.

That's where I felt It,i felt so good and it was fucking enjoyable we both seem to get pretty into it tho by that this is what I mean :,)

I started crawling on top of him continuing to kiss him as he started pulling me into his body holding my back and continuing to kiss.Until Carlos pulled away slowly.

Woah.He whispered as I smiled and laughed
Your a good kisser.I said
You too Hamid.Carlos said laughing
NOW GET OFF ME!!he laughed
Well Actually your pretty comfortable (; so imma just like *lays on carlos*stay like that

I know,he probably thinks I'm weird but idc he was comfortable and I felt safe on him

He said I was pretty comfortable and layed on top of me.I wrapped my arms around him and tbh I enjoyed it.Yes i know Hes my best friend but I actually feel pretty amazing around him rather then...My girlfriend,he dosent know about her because I decided not to tell him because Alex just dosent like my girlfriends I don't know what's up but every time I get one he starts attacking her,Sigh I'll just ask him one day,maybe?If I'm not scared enough.

goodnight Alex...i turned the light off and kissed his head

Good night Carlos,he said
and that's when we slept...

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