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"Yeah sure"I gave him my number.

"Thanks" Zayn said smiling

"You are welcome I need to go now so bye"I said make my way towards the door.

"Wait let me open it for you"Zayn asked

"Okay thanks"I said before he went towards the door to open.

He opened the door and said "Here you go my lady"He said with cheekily smile I smiled back went away.

Wait did I just gave him my number.What if my dad sees my phone he would probably kill me.I thought to myself.

When I went home I heard shouting from the living room and went to the living room.

I saw my mom talking to my dad who seemed annoyed as always.


"Dad I was gone for cleaning and there was a lot of mess over you can ask mom"

"Yes she was gone cleaning only I told you Tom"My mom said


"If you don't trust me why don't you go to mr Malik's house where I went clean and ask him" I argued back

"Shut up Merry"my dad said

"Ok so now you have nothing to say"I said

"Shut up merry before I slap you"

"Do it i don't care this is not like the first you would hit me"I said


Suddenly my mom and jack came to me.

"You are bleeding merry lets take you to the doctor"My mom said while getting worried.

My mom and jack picked me up and took me out of house.

After an hour***

zayn's prov*

I was sitting in Starbucks thinking about merry ,when I got a text from liam

l:Zayn wherever you are come home and sleep its getting late and we have interview tomorrow!!

Z:Okay I am coming liam.

After replying I stood up and gave my bill and went out.And started walking towards my home.

When I was near my house I saw a car going to merry's house.Then Mrs Tom walking out and opening the backseat door.With that merry came out with bandaged near her chin.As I saw that I got curious and wanted to know who did that to her.But controlled my anger and went towards them.Merry was looking so weak and at the same time so pretty.

"Mrs Tom what happened to merry is she okay who did that to her"I asked her.

"Nothing it's just an accident don't worry"Mrs Tom said

"Hope you get well soon merry,um mrs Tom do you need any help"I asked

"Umm..if you don't mind can you please hold merry and make sure she is okay while I open the door"Mrs Tom asked

"Sure why not"I said

"No mom,it's okay I can walk Look"Merry said while trying to walk.

"Okay honey,umm zayn just walk behind her and make sure she is okay"Mrs Tom said

"Sure"I said

Merry's prov*****

Me and Zayn were waiting while my mom was opening the door,I kept thinking to my self why is zayn help us so much.He just met my today.As I was thinking zayn spoke

"Umm Merry the door is opened"

"Oh okay thanks"I said while feeling embarrassed and walking into my house.Zayn was coming behind making sure I am okay from some reason I wanted him to stay with me.When I was going up I started feeling dizzy out of sudden zayn picked me up and stared walking up to the stairs.My hands were around his neck and his hands were around my back it seemed as If my heart will pop out any second.I was staring at him how can he be so perfect.I didn't even realize and we were in my room.

"Thanks Zayn you didn't have to do it though"I said

"No It's okay,actually I really liked it"He said with a smile

Ahh why is he so cute I thought myself

Merry snap back I said to myself

"Umm..merry do you need anything to eat"My mom asked

"No mom I am not hungry ill just go to sleep"I said

"Okay honey"My mom said

"I have to go now,liam is probably going to get mad at me"Zayn said

"Yeah okay bye"I said with a smile.Out of sudden zayn hugged me lightly.I just wish to stay in his arms forever and ever.

"Good night merry get well soon"Zayn said

"Thanks Zayn Good night"I saiid

"And zayn thanks for earlier"I said 

"You are welcome babe"zayn said

"Bye Merry"Zayn said as he went out

"Bye Zayn"I said and I bet he didn't even listen.

The true love. (Zayn Malik fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now