9 (short) - Nagito wants to die.

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Bagelsss: omgomgomgomgomg

Hajigay: what???

Bagelsss: I saw you today! I was sitting at the bus stop and I saw you driving Izuru home!

Hajigay: ^//////^

Hajigay: You make me sound like Izuru's mum

((Or mom.. don't blame me I'm just a random Aussie))

Bagelsss: u drive ur big bro how cute 💖💖💖💖

Hajigay: wHOAH BUddY BoY iM THE ELdeSt


"Nagito.." whispered Mikan nudging my arm, to be honest I never liked Mikan. Our dads are close and are both rich and only cared for money, ignoring their children so we were all we had. I turned to my purple haired pal. She had her hair in a ponytail. Mikan didn't stick to the dress code that well. Instead of the Winter school uniform red stockings she wears white with lilac purple dotted stockings. Her shirt is covered by a lilac purple cardigan. She's also switched our ugly dark green skirts with a white frilly skirt. Her Dad is the boss so she can get away with anything.

"Yes, Mikan?" I ask tying my frizzy white mullet ((that's how I see his hair ok??))
in a ponytail slightly resemblling hers. "We're doing group projects with kids from the lower class, you got two." She informed me pointing to the small piece of paper that read two names that shocked him so much he was left speechless.

Of all people why them?

Does anyone wanna guess who they are? No cheating!

I don't own SDR2

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