Chapter (2)

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You're walking with team t/n to your first class of the day. Raina mistakenly bumps into Weiss.

Weiss: Hey! What are you doing?

Raina: Getting back up, sorry.

Weiss: Why don't you watch where you're going!?

Raina: My goodness, Have you ever heard of an ACCIDENT before!? I could be saying the same thing to you!

Weiss: Of course I've heard of it!

Raina: Well since you clearly don't understand let me explain. A mistake means NOT INTENTIONAL!!!

Weiss: i'm not stupid.

Raina: You sure love to overreact don't you little girl?

Weiss: How dare you!

Kyle and Yang walk into this fight

Kyle and Yang: Knock it off both of you!

Yang: Just don't talk to each other.

Ruby: Can we just go to class?

You: Yes please can we?

In Class...

Professor port: Now you see, students, when i was a boy... *stuff about childhood with Port*.

You stare at Ruby again.

Raina: Dude, is that your crush?

You: Yes.

Raina: She looks adorable. You should ask her out.

You: I'm not sure.

Raina: Don't you want to?

You: well.

Kyle: r/n, we could go on a double date. I'm going to ask Yang out. Why not come along?

You: Well as long as you're there I guess I'll go.

Tokoiy is staring at a sight of her own. You go to check on her.

You: Tokoiy?

Tokoiy: i'm nervous.

You: about what?

She Points at Lie Ren.

You: oh your crush...

After Classes end...

Raina goes to team RWBY.

Raina: Weiss, I'm sorry for being edgy this morning.

Weiss: Apology Accepted.

Raina: I got your team cookies.

Ruby runs to them from the word "cookies"

Ruby: Raina, I love your cookies!

Raina: I'll make more of them soon.

Kyle walks up to Yang

Kyle: So...Yang, I was wondering, would you like to go out somewhere?

Yang: Well...Where would you take me?

Kyle: How about... The...MLG pub?

Yang: Do they have one in Vale?

Kyle: Yup.

Yang: Sure.

Kyle: If you bring your sister than r/n would like to come.

Yang: then its all worked out.

You and Kyle grab your stuff that you'll need.

Kyle: r/n, you excited?

You: you bet I am.

Kyle: we're going to the MLG pub

You: alright! *grabs your controller*.

When you get to your date...

You and Kyle see your dates walking into the pub. Ruby sits down next to you.

You: You're the first friend I made outside of my team in my life.

Ruby: Really?

You: none of the students at school liked me.

Ruby: aw, I'm sorry to hear that.

You: it's fine.

Ruby: have you ever been on a mission before?

You: actually no.

Ruby: How long have you been in vale?

You: Three days.

Ruby: What is Chalia like?

You: I hated it there... Stupid idiots doing illegal things all the time. Is beacon fun?

Ruby: Besides Cardin Winchester its great.

You give her your whole bag of cookies...

Ruby: I can't accept this, they're yours.

You: My sister can make more.

Ruby: Thank you.*gives you a friendly hug*

You: Do you play video games?

Ruby: *looks at you and talks with her mouth full* Yeah.

You and her go to the game room and see Super Smash Cousins.

You: How good are you?

Ruby: The question is, how good are you?

You and her grab a controller.

You: You're gonna get disrespected.

Ruby: I know you are.

You: I'm the king of this game.

Ruby: Well let's see how long you will be.

You and her begin playing.

Announcer: Choose you character.

you pick MegaMan and Ruby picks Roy.

After a few rounds of playing, you've been defeated by Ruby.

As you and her walk back to Yang and Kyle, Ruby grabs your hand.

Kyle: It's getting late, r/n let's head back to Beacon.

The four of you head back to Beacon. When you got back to Beacon, you and Ruby stay in the courtyard for a bit longer.

Ruby: *Grabs your hand and gives you a cute smile*. This was fun, I'm glad I came tonight.

You: I'm so glad I met you. You're the one who saved me from a world of no friends. *pets her cute red hair*.

Ruby: *blushes*. I'm glad I met you too. You're Really fun.

You : I'm off to bed, Goodnight.

Ruby: Goodnight. *thinking* I love you, you will know this tomorrow.

To be continued...

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