~Play My Little Game~

Start from the beginning

"What's the magic word?" She asked with a small smile. Dj thought for a second and looked right at her.

"Please daddy?"

"What the-!?" Sarah fell on her butt out of shock.


"B-bro!" Dj just stared at his sister with innocent confusion. Her face started turning bright blue and it suddenly became really hot in the room. Or maybe it was just her.

"Don't say stuff like that." She then handed her brother the pizza slice. Dj was still confused.

"But I always hear you yell that in the middle of the night." Sarah started to get nervous.

"Uh uh uh well you see bro uh..." She was avoiding eye contact, looking everywhere but at her brother. "It's a uh... a game."

"Ooh! I want to play!"

"Uh I don't think so bro. It's a uh... different kind of game I play with G and sometimes Papa."

"Well, I am really good at games and judging from how loud you scream and shout, it sounds like a really hard game. Trust me, sis. I am really good at games." He then ate the pizza he had in two bites while Sarah's blue blush intensified.

"Sis. Your face is doing the thing again." Dj crawled over to her face and touched her cheek. "You're really warm. Are you okay? Are you sick? Too hot?" Her blush grew even darker.

"Ehehe yeah. It's kinda hot."

"Well, while I turn on the A/C you should get G or Uncle so we can play the game." Dj pat Sarah's head and stood up, walking to the temperature gauge. Sarah pulled out her phone with a quiet okay and dialed Gaster Sans' number. "Wait, you never told me what the game is called."

"It's called.... S.E.X." Dj froze. Sarah quickly told G she needed help and hung up.

"What?" Sarah looked over at Dj.

"What?" She asked.

"What did you call the game? It sounds... familiar. I'm pretty sure I heard Undyne and Alphys talk about it." Sarah just shrugged her shoulders.

"It's called S.E.X. A lot of monsters play this game."

"Also, I don't understand the rules. Is there a point system?"

"Ummm Not necessarily a 'point system'. It's more like, whoever reaches the climax first wins."

"Climax?" Dj was now literal inches away from his sister, looking at her intensely. "What is 'climax'? Like the highest point in a book?" Sarah's blush slowly returned.

"Uhhh yeah I guess you could say that."

"Could you or G show me what a climax is?"

"Uhhh..." Sarah slowly started to back away from Dj but tripped and fell on her back. Dj leaned over her body and looked down at her, asking if she was okay. She looked at him with wide eyes.

"Uhhh y-yeah. I'm okay."

"So you want help up or are you gonna lay there like a potato?" Dj offered his hand to her.

"Uhhh y-yeah sure." She placed a shaky hand in his and he lifted her up to her feet.

"Are you okay? You're really shaky." She said yes and tried to stand straight, but her shaky legs were failing her.

"Here, hold onto me so you don't fall." Dj held out his arm and she latched onto it, practically hanging off the floor with her toes barely touching the floorboards. "Actually." He lifted her up bridal style and sat down with her in his lap and he started petting her head, earning a few purrs from the demon. "Now calm down silly and explain what has you so shaken up." Dj snickered slightly at his own pun. She snuggled closer to him and prepared herself to speak.

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