~Echo Flowers~

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(This is something a little more short and depressing that I thought I would work on while waiting for requests. It is less of a one shot and more of a short story starring the Dynamic Duo aka The Supertale Glitches aka Sarah and Dj. Also, I do not own the image above. Enjoy! ~Ebony)

The echo flowers. So beautiful. Their blue glow lighting up the empty room in Waterfall. It truly was a beautiful sight. The room was no longer empty as four monsters had entered. A tall skeleton wearing armor. A short skeleton in a blue hoodie. A cute little dragon boy. And a tiny girl with long ears. The two monster children (almost said 'monster kid' whoops ~Ebony) ran over to a small patch of echo flowers, the girl tugging on the boy as she lead him over to them. They stopped in front of one, it was taller than the girl but she didn't seem to notice or care. 

"see that, little brother?" She pointed at the blue flower. "it's called an echo flower. papa told me that if you talk to it, it will repeat what you said." She watched as her brother reached his hand out and gently touched one of the petals. 

"It's pretty!" He said in a cheerful tone. Less than five seconds later the flower repeated his sentence in the same cheery voice.

"It's pretty!"

"see? i told ya." The flower repeated the girl's words. The boy looked down at his older sister. He wondered why he had to, so he decided to ask.

"Hey, sissy?" Her ear twitched slightly, letting him know she heard what he said. "How come you're so much smaller than me?" She turned and looked up at him. "You're 8 years old! I'm only 5 and I'm taller than you." The girl's eyes began to well up with tears and the shorter of the two skeletons jogged over to them and knelt down, the little girl hugging his boney knee. 

"hey, kid. it's alright." She began to softly cry. The little dragon boy felt bad. He never meant to make her cry. "hey, dj. it's okay. i know ya didn't mean to hurt her feelers. it's just... that's a touchy subject. she was born smaller than most babies. so do me a favor bud and try to help her keep her mind off of it, okay?" Dj nodded and hugged his sister. She couldn't help being born small. That's just how she is.

"Don't cry, sissy. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings." She looked up at Dj with tears in her eyes. She cracked a small smile and hugged him back.

"it's okay, little brother." They stood there in each other's arms. "i forgive you."


The small demon girl walked through her snowy hometown. A smile of content was on her face, like always. It was rare to see her without a smile. She would smile all the time, even when she's sad or angry. One trait she got from her father that stuck with her forever. But she didn't mind. She liked to smile. It made others smile. Especially her brother. Whenever he was feeling down she would flash him one of her brightest smiles and make him laugh until he felt better. After all, he always helped her. Why not return the favor? But, she hadn't done so in a while. She wasn't able to cheer him up anymore. She continued to smile as she now wandered through Waterfall. She soon stopped in a deserted area where only one thing was left other than herself. 

A single echo flower.

She stood before it, admiring its beauty. Her hand reached up and touched a blue cloth on her person. She sighed and let out a shaky chuckle. The echo flower kept repeating the same thing over and over. Her black and blue eyes began to fill up with tears. But she kept smiling. Her grip tightened on the blue material as tears began to flow down her cheeks. But she kept smiling. She finally broke down. She crashed to her knees, her smile quickly fading into a deep frown filled with bottled up sorrow, grief, and anger. But she didn't dare speak for her words would make the echo flower change its speech. She fell on her side, her soul appearing before her. Its bright light had dulled over the past few weeks, a couple cracks appearing here and there. Her feet slowly disappeared as dust was left in their place. She checked her stats.


HP 0.5/680 ATK 1

Can't handle the pain any longer.

She sniffed. The last thing she did before she completely turned to dust, was she removed the blue scarf from around her neck and kissed it, holding it close to her chest as she heard her brother's voice from the echo flower for the final time.

Her dust lay in front of the blue flower as well as the scarf that belonged to the monster she loved most, whom was also gone forever.

"Just remember to smile, sis! Don't be sad cuz I'll always be right here next to you! I love you, Sarah." 

(Sorry it's so depressing. I got bored and thought 'what could go wrong'... now I'm sad. *lays on the floor with Napstablook* Don't mind me. I'm just trash.)

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