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Damn, I never thought this through properly, what song am I going to play, I practiced a couple of their songs just incase they requested I do one of their songs.

Frank pulled out an amplifier from under the computer desk and plugged it in for me. I pulled out my guitar and plugged it in flipping the switch on. I adjusted the sound levels and distortion levels before giving the guitar a quick strum to see if it was still in tune, which luckily it was.

"Do you want me to play one of your songs or whatever." I asked nervously.

"Erm... Yeah sure do you know... Honey this mirror isn't big enough for the both of us?" Gerard asked picking out a random song from their first album, before their other guitarist ditched them.

"Yeah sure." I said plucky away at the strings to the familiar song.

Luckily this song is one of the ones I practiced, along with our lady of sorrow. I particularly like this liked this song as it was within my playing range yet it sounded amazing. Also the intro at the start of the song is totally rad, I like how the bass is heard a lot also. It is also really fun to play on bass. It's one of those songs that you can jump around to all day and not get bored of.

So that's what I did, jump around like a madman/madwoman thrashing the guitar around while playing each note without fault. To be honest I'm not always that perfect, I normally drop a few notes but today I was on a roll.

As the song drew to an ending I jumped on the last beat giving a dramatic ending to the song.

I whipped my head back to get the hair out of my face and when I looked around the room with a pant I saw everyone's jaws hanging lose. They looked like cod fish with their mouths open.

It was silent for about a minute while I just turned the volume down to stop the annoying static sound coming from the amp. At that time I was positive they were about to kick me out of their house. Nothing was said and they were all just staring. Did I do something bad? Do I really suck that much? Did I break something? Oh lord please say I didn't break anything.

After about three whole minutes of awkward stares and silent stares I decided to speak up.

"What? Did I wreck something?" I said after finally regaining my breath.

"Yes... I mean no. Yes... You absolutely killed that song." Bob spoke up.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I'll go then." I sighed.

In my opinion I think I absolutely mastered that song but not good enough for them.

"No!" All of them shouted at exactly the same time shocking me.

"You absolutely killed it, in a good way. That was so fucking awesome!" Mikey almost screamed.

"Play another one." Gerard commanded.

"What?" I said shocked.

I didn't believe it, was I really winning them over?

"Play another song." Gerard said again.

I did as he said and played our lady of sorrow. I was totally kicking that song and then I heard Gerard start to sing with Frank singing the back up vocals. Bob managed to tap the beat loud enough of the coffee while Mikey did air guitar making the bass sounds with his mouth.

Once the song was over we all sat down, now tired out. I cannot believe it. This has to be one of the best days ever.

"Oh you just stole the spot on the team. Cancel all the appointments Mikey and take down the link on the website, we have found our guitarist." Gerard ordered.

"What really, it get to keep it?!" Frank yelled excitedly.

"Yup!" Gerard said as excitedly.

"Yes! Thank you Gee!" He hugged Gerard tightly then came over to me with a huge grin on his face. "Welcome to the team!" Frank squealed and hugged me.

I was taken aback by the hug but I thought nothing of it. Although I did really like Frank and his amazing hazel eyes and adorable smile. Okay now isn't the time to be thinking like that, stop before you do something weird. Instead of fangirling I just hugged Frank back and quickly pulled apart so I could thank the guys.

When Frank didn't let go I panicked a bit.

"Erm... Shit, what did I sign up for?" I half laughed. "Thankyou guys so much you seriously don't know how much I needed this." I thanked them all with a huge smile.

"Oh one extra thing, Midnight. Can you sing for us, maybes just a little bit?" Gerard practically begged.

"I can try but if your ears bleed then it's all your fault." I pointed to Gerard. "Not my fault." I laughed a little bit.

I have never really tried singing properly before so I don't know if I can sing or not. I sang out the chorus to our lady of sorrow and then stopped.

"Okay, any other hidden talents besides being incredibly small and an awesome guitarist and great singer." Mikey asked with a shocked expression.

"Erm... I can burp my ABC's." I said with a laugh.

"Delightful." Mikey scrunched up his nose.

"No, and I didn't even really know I could sing, I've never tried singing properly." I said.

"Well your amazing at it anyways." Frank complimented me.

"Thanks." I said blushing a little.

This day has seriously been a confidence boost and also he best day in history.

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