Episode 7 - Unlocking Potential

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Outside in his backyard, Lonekat was having a friendly sparring match with his friend Longclaw, trying to outdo each other with the magic and skills they know.  The two tried all the skills they knew, trying their best not to enter their limits and into Stasis Mode, only to draw out in the end.  The two shook paws with each other and gave a paw bump.

"Keep up the good work, Longclaw," Lonekat said.

"That's the plan, Lone," Longclaw replied.

Longclaw turned around and walked away.  Before Lonekat could enter back into his cottage, Bladefang ran up to him with a scroll in his left paw.

"Hey Lonekat!" he called, "Look at this!  It's a delivery from the Village of the Clouds!"

"Huh?"  Lonekat turned around.  He never usually gets mail from outside the village.  He looked at the tag on the end of the scroll as Bladefang handed it to him.

To Lonekat, I know you're working real hard right now completin' the Trials of Leo, cobber, so I figured for a mate like you I'd help ya out with a spell you performed outta thin air during the final battle against the First Dark Lord.  This is the finalized Fire Chain spell prototype I'm usin', so make it count the next time you use it in battle.  From, Ash.

"Looks like you've got yourself a fanbase.  I guess you should start studying."  Bladefang patted Lone's back and walked away.

Lone then opened the scroll and noticed what appeared to be a Metal Chain ablaze in a fire as the drawing, alongside a bunch of text in Japanese Kanji on how the spell is performed, and the MP amounts.  Those amounts being 3 MP, 6 charged.  He placed a paw on it to try and absorb in his mind what the attack should look like, however his search for what it looked ended there as he sensed Whiteleaf running past him.

"White!" he called turning around.  "Where's the fire at?"

"Flarepelt called for a gathering.  He only requested that you and I go alone this time."

"Gotcha, be right there."  He put the scroll in his cottage before taking off for the Village Square.

-Village Square, 10 AM-

Lonekat, Whiteleaf, and Flarepelt were now gathered around at a table near one of the shops.  "I hope you don't mind the early warning from me you two," Flarepelt started.

"Honestly I can kind-of guess where this is going," Lonekat interjected immediately.  "Tell me, is the Wolf Trio stirring up trouble again?"

Flarepelt shook his head.  "Not this time...  It's a different team, bounty hunters."

Whiteleaf shuddered for a moment at the sound of it.  "B-B-Bounty Hunters, you say?"

"Yes.  We got a distress signal from Sunrise Hill, not too far from the Village I assure you, from a fox surrounded by the Huntsmen of the Dark Forest.  They're incredibly dangerous, and have developed ineptness from some, but not all, elemental attacks."

"Who is this fox that we need to rescue?" Lonekat asked.

"Bow red as the rose, hair black as ebony, pelt white as snow."

"No time for dropping subtle clues, Flarepelt," Whiteleaf interjected.  "I am well aware of who you're talking about."

"Wait, you do?"  Lone is completely clueless by this point.

"To put it bluntly, Lone-san, she's Snow, you know, from that story of the Seven Best Friends and an Evil Queen with the Apple of Destruction."

"I get the idea."

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