| Chapter 1 |

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The betrayal.

14 years later.

A young boy with stark white hair and ruby red eyes looks around the ballroom of their castle. His eyes nervously going from place to place, looking from one person to another. He was quite obviously nervous. His hands playing with the hem of his midnight blue cloak. He was dressed in typical royal outfit for a prince. A robe made of black leather and fastened by a black leather belt with silver lining was over a dark royal blue shirt, pants few shades darker then the shirt and blue leathery boots on his feet. It wasn't very visible under the clothes, but the boy was pretty skinny, the teen also had fair skin, almost as white as his hair. His ruby eyes scanning around the place, seemingly glowing under the shade of his shaggy hair. This was Prince Tobias, second born to the throne of Sarel. "Brother!" A voice called out. Tobias looked in the direction of the sound, finding another young man walking over with a smile on his face. This young man also had royal clothes similar to his own. However what was blue was green and what as black was brown. He also had a simple golden crown on his head. His hair was long,straight and dark brown only a shade darker as his chocolate brown eyes. He was well built, taller than Tobias. This was Henry, the newly crowned prince and future king of Sarel, and Tobias's older brother. "Henry." The younger teen bowed his head politely. Today was the day of his brother coronation as the crowned prince, as well as said prince's birthday. "Happy birthday and congratulations, brother." Told him the white-haired male. "Thanks you." The elder the proceeded to hug the younger, than his face held concern. "Are you feeling alright brother? You have been standing here since the party begun." He asked, concern laces his voice. The younger smiled up at his brother and replied. "Yes I am, thank you for the concern, but I am alright. Maybe just need some air, you know how I feel about social events." The older only pouted slightly then sighed in defeat. "Alright then, but please tell me if you don't feel well." He told him. "Of course." Smiled the younger. With that the future king walked off towards a group of his friends, leaving his albino brother alone to his thoughts. Tobias sighed slightly before walking out on one of the balconies, leaning against the railing. He stood there for a while, staring up at the night sky until he felt slight cold on his hands. Confused, the young prince looked at the railing, which was now covered in thin layer or frost. Eyes widening he looked at his gloved hands, confirming his worries. His gloves were now also covered in a thin layer of frost, quickly hiding his hands by crossing his arms he looked at the slowly shrinking crowd, almost sighing in relief. He waited until there were few people left before he made his way out of the ballroom, out the doors and up the stairs, unaware of two pairs of eyes watching, one concerned and the other suspicious.


King Bruno narrowed his eyes at his second son, he had pretended to be the loving father for all these years, never truly loving the child he had considered an outcast. The runt had survived much longer then he anticipated. He had thought the child would survive maybe 6 years or less but much to his surprise the runt had survived without problems until now. He had to get rid of him soon, if anything were to happen to Henry then that thing would be the next king and he can't allow that. He just needed time and alibi. He had been patient long enough and he feels like something will happen very soon.


Tobias was on his way to his room when his older brother cornered him in the hallway, a concerned look on his face. He must have let his expression slip and show his worry. Bugger. From the stairwell then emerged his father, who upon noticing them, adopted a look of faked concern. "What is going on my sons?" He asked, well faked concern lacing his tongue. "I was just about to ask Tobias, father. He had been acting weird lately." Tobias bit his lip at the look of concern sent his way. "I-I have been feeling ill t-that's all..." This only served as an excuse for his brother to touch his forehead. His brother's eyes widen before he looked at him. "You're so cold..." His brother's voice held confusion and Tobias gulped slightly. "You need to see the alchemist and quickly." Tobias only took a step back from his brother. "No I-I just need to rest, I am sure. I am alright." His brothers brows furrowed in confusion. "You said you felt ill..." Tobias was getting more and more nervous, his eyes darted around the hallways. He needed to get out of here and quickly. "I-I..." Tobias was taking steps back as his brother approached him. He stopped quickly when he realized he was doing so. He was shocked however when his brother grabbed him by shoulder, letting go the next moment with a gasp. Henry looked at his hands, which now were covered in frost. Tobias's eyes widen, looking at his arms, seeing his shoulders and upper arms covered in frost. He looked at his brother fearfully. "I-I- I'm sorry I-." He didn't finish whatever he wanted to say, he wasn't sure what he wanted to say. Without any more words he bolted down the hallway, passing his still shocked brother and his father. Down the stairwell and outside the castle, he ran and ran. The ground under him freezing at the touch of his feet, those who were still awake and outside stared shocked at their prince, who looked at them horrified and continued running. Unaware of the figure following him. Soon he was outside the city surrounding the castle, he continued running until he tripped and landed on his hands and knees. The white-haired teen looked at his hands, which were now covered in a fine layer of frost along with the rest of his body and the ground surrounding him. He failed to notice the figure creeping up on him from the shadows, sword raised above its head, the young boy only managed to turn around at the last second to see the sword pierce his back, going all the way through his hear, tip of the blade poking out of his chest. With a gasp he looked at the face of his father, betrayal and pain filling his senses. Bruno only looked with victory at his son, not feeling any regret or pain from striking the finishing blow. He gasped however as he noticed the sword turn to pure ice, he quickly let go before it could crawl up his hands. Tobias gasped out as his body turned even colder, icy frost covered his body, his chin and his cheeks and the outline of his forehead. His eyes turning into glowing mirrors of ice, the place where his heart once was, covered in the thickest layer of frost, seemingly creating a snowflake around the wound. Light blue streaks appeared in his snow-white hair, barely visible because of the light shade of the color. Suddenly the boy turned to pure eyes, shattering into icy dust, the sword fell to the ground with a clang, shattering in the same way the next second.

The king took a step back as this happened in front of his eyes, a smirk adorning his face, before he took off back into the castle, faking hurt and pained face before he walked in, slowing his pace as he walked. When he was there he told his family of the tragic event, faking pain and sorrow. The prince cried but stood as the mountain of comfort for his youngest brothers. Kyle was the third son, with hair the same jet black color as their mother and same could be said about his eyes, he mourned over his beloved older brother along with the youngest, Ilias who had inherited the looks of their father and eldest brother. Queen Amaya would have mourned along if it wasn't for her death soon after she gave birth to Ilias, she had always loved all of her children the same. That night was cold, lake freezing at the sides, frost covering the building and every surface, a chill in the air that wasn't there before. A pair of glowing eyes, with the look of icy mirrors with no pupil, stared at the castle, a malicious whisper echoed in the air. "The truth shall be uncovered and punishment shall be served to the one who sinned, to the one who killed. An eternity of winter will strike this kingdom, for the one who had sinned shall suffer along with the rest of his kin. For he had sinned, he had killed, he had shattered the Heart of the Ice Prince."

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